Gizmodo: The College Board Tells TikTok and Facebook Your SAT Scores #identitymanagement #technologyinternet #privacyineducation #thecollegeboard #internetprivacy #termsofservice #digitalrights #jeremysinger #davidcoleman #socialmedia #humanrights #privacylaw #education #facebook #privacy #tiktok #amazon #sat #gpa
#identitymanagement #technologyinternet #privacyineducation #thecollegeboard #internetprivacy #termsofservice #digitalrights #jeremysinger #davidcoleman #socialmedia #humanrights #privacylaw #education #facebook #privacy #tiktok #amazon #sat #gpa
My whole life I watched my dad go to extreme lengths to hold onto himslef running from @CIA #DonaldRumsfeld #GHWBush no one hlped him either. He eventually died alone, isolated, suffering from the same illnesses he acquired in Vietnam never receiving the medical care or benefits he was entitled to. Nothing has changed except the faces who #torture. I promised my father I would fight for his #truth to be told. For the #justice he was denied his entire #life #pandorasbox @icij @hrw #DAVIDCOLEMAN
#donaldrumsfeld #ghwbush #torture #truth #justice #life #pandorasbox #davidcoleman