Evolution favors survival of the genes over survival of the fittest.
“#Evolution can even favour genes that are not just suboptimal, but wholly harmful to the species and all its individuals. A famous example is the peacock’s large, colourful tail, which is believed to diminish the bird’s viability by making it harder to evade predators, and to have no useful function at all.”
The Beginning of #Infinity by #DavidDeutsch
#evolution #infinity #daviddeutsch
“Science continues to make progress even, or especially, after making great discoveries, because the discoveries themselves reveal further problems.
Therefore the existence of an unsolved problem in physics is no more evidence for a supernatural explanation than the existence of an unsolved crime is evidence that a ghost committed it.”
Excerpt From
The Beginning of #Infinity by #DavidDeutsch
“Our history and politics, our science, art and philosophy, our aspirations and moral values – all these are tiny side effects of a supernova explosion a few billion years ago, which could be extinguished tomorrow by another such explosion.”
The Beginning of #Infinity by #DavidDeutsch
This is very slick: Got ChatGPT running on on my AppleWatch 😎
Works with dictation or keyboard input.
#applewatch #chatgpt #petey #watchGPT #daviddeutsch @macrumors
#applewatch #chatgpt #petey #watchgpt #daviddeutsch
“Human attributes, like those of all other organisms, evolved under natural selection in an ancestral environment. That is why our senses are adapted to detecting things like the colours and smell of fruit, or the sound of a predator: being able to detect such things gave our ancestors a better chance of surviving to have offspring…evolution did not waste our resources on detecting phenomena that were never relevant to our survival”
The Beginning of Infinity
@marcus17043 Check out 'The Beginning of #Infinity: Explanations that Transform the World" by #DavidDeutsch
“We are an uncommon form of ordinary matter.
The commonest form is plasma (atoms dissociated into their electrically charged components), which typically emits bright, visible light because it is in stars, which are rather hot.
We scums are mainly infra-red emitters because we contain liquids and complex chemicals which can exist only at a much lower range of temperatures.”
From: The Beginning of #Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World by #DavidDeutsch
From a must-read book:
“#AntiAnthropocentrism has increasingly been elevated to the status of a universal principle, sometimes called the ‘#PrincipleOfMediocrity’: there is nothing significant about humans (in the #CosmicScheme of things).
As the physicist #StephenHawking put it, #humans are ‘just a chemical scum on the surface of a typical planet that’s in orbit round a typical star on the outskirts of a typical galaxy’.”
‘The Beginning of Infinity’ by #DavidDeutsch
#antianthropocentrism #principleofmediocrity #cosmicscheme #stephenhawking #humans #daviddeutsch
[1996] Horizon - “The Time Lords”, an investigation into claims by researchers that time travel is not only theoretically possible but is already happening. Appearing are Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, David Deutsch and Matt Visser.
#OldBritishTelly #StephenHawking #CarlSagan #DavidDeutsch #MattVisser
#OldBritishTelly #stephenhawking #carlsagan #daviddeutsch #mattvisser
#GeorgeEllis and #DavidDeutsch - Is the #universe really #infinite ?
#Science #Physics #Philosophy #Math #Mathematics #Infinity #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfPhysics #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #CloserToTruth #CloserToTruthTV #IAI #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #iai #closertotruthtv #CloserToTruth #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofscience #infinity #mathematics #math #philosophy #physics #science #infinite #universe #daviddeutsch #georgeellis