Here's an absolutely boot-licking piece from The Guardian on line-of-duty police deaths from COVID, which was once again the leading cause of death among cops in 2022 as it was in 2021 and 2020.
The article frames the cops as victims of their own heroism.: "Working on the front lines made some face-to-face contact unavoidable – and, as a result, hundreds of law enforcement officers died as Covid swept through the US."
They quote David Dowdy, a self-proclaimed epidemiologist from Hopkins: “[officers] still have to be out there on the streets, interacting directly with people – often with people who don’t have a lot of regard for your health,”
But in Los Angeles it wasn't the people who had no regard for the cops' health. It was precisely the reverse. Working on the front lines may have made contact unavoidable but it didn't prevent masking or vaccines. Cops here refused to wear masks and consequently infected one another and members of the public at astonishing rates.
#Copaganda #COVID #LAPD #ACAB #DavidDowdy #Epidemiology #Bootlicking #LineOfDuty #LosAngeles #TheGuardian
#copaganda #covid #lapd #acab #daviddowdy #epidemiology #bootlicking #LineOfDuty #losangeles #theguardian