#TheLincolnLawyer s1e1 (2022) - 8/10
Very impressed with this.
1️⃣ Two of my absolute favourite shows are #Bosch from #MichaelConnelly and #Goliath from #DavidEKelley. And here's a brand new show with both of their names in the credits! (The books are by Connelly, the show is by Kelley.)
2️⃣ While this doesn't seem to be quite as sharp as those two shows, yet, their D.N.A. is definitely in it. (Particularly Goliath's.) That's more than enough to get me on board.
#thelincolnlawyer #bosch #michaelconnelly #goliath #davidekelley
Sarah Michelle Gellar〔Apr14〕Happy 46th Birthday! ★Astrology ♫ Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme Song https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1764327/global-beauties/
#April14 #Buffy #BuffyAnneSummers #buffythevampireslayer #DavidEKelley #RobinWilliams #SarahMichelleGellar #Scooby-Doo #TheCrazyOnes #UCSwwat0no00TbOLjq-r3QOg #クレア・デインズ
#april14 #buffy #buffyannesummers #buffythevampireslayer #davidekelley #robinwilliams #sarahmichellegellar #scooby #thecrazyones #ucswwat0no00tboljq #クレア・デインズ
#PresumedInnocent, starring #JakeGyllenhaal and #RuthNegga, has begun filming in LA.
The limited series, from #JJAbrams & #DavidEKelley, follows the story of a horrific murder that upends the Chicago Prosecuting Attorneys’ office when one of its own is suspected of the crime.
(via @olv@twitter.com: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nbscicZrpfgzFIJ7hu_SO0HJDDJGG84zvLoXXYGJyCA/edit?usp=sharing)
#davidekelley #jjabrams #RuthNegga #JakeGyllenhaal #presumedinnocent
#BillCamp and #ElizabethMarvel will star alongside #JakeGyllenhaal and #RuthNegga in #PresumedInnocent, a new courtroom thriller from #DavidEKelley.
Camp will play Raymond, Rusty’s (Gyllenhaal) boss, whose career ambitions are threatened when Rusty becomes the prime suspect in a murder.
Marvel will play Lorraine, Raymond’s wife, who questions Rusty’s culpability, & becomes a sounding board for Rusty’s wife (Negga), while the two families navigate an uncertain future.
#davidekelley #presumedinnocent #RuthNegga #JakeGyllenhaal #ElizabethMarvel #billcamp