Eine Geschichte, wohl über DFW selbst, als junger Student, über die Unerreichbarkeit der (Selbst)heilung, über die (un)ausgesprochene Möglichkeit des Suizids.
DWF suizidierte sich später und man kommt nicht umhin, neu über Autorenentwicklung und Figurenschicksal nachzudenken.
#dfw #bookstagram #planettrillaphon #davidfosterwallace #lesetipp #leseempfehlung #booklover #books
#dfw #bookstagram #planettrillaphon #davidfosterwallace #lesetipp #leseempfehlung #booklover #books
Ran across a video about Robert Chambers' story collection The King In Yellow, and the fictitious play that could drive you mad. The more I think of it, that might have been as much of a prophecy about the Internet as Infinite Jest.
#Books, #Culture, #Horror, #ScienceFiction, #Lovecraft,
#addiction, #BlueOysterCult, #DavidFosterWallace, #delusion, #InfiniteJest, #KingInYellow, #reality, #RobertChambers
#books #culture #horror #sciencefiction #lovecraft #addiction #blueoystercult #davidfosterwallace #delusion #infinitejest #kinginyellow #reality #robertchambers
I was just chatting with a bunch of friends and was reminded about the graduation speech #DavidFosterWallace gave that has the parible of of the fish. And then found this great but short #TheNewaYorker article about it resining us that we must constantly remind ourselves #ThisIsWatter https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/this-is-water
#davidfosterwallace #thenewayorker #thisiswatter
I'm reading 'The Mezzanine': https://bookrastinating.com/book/41431/s/the-mezzanine
This synopsis:
'The Mezzanine (1988) is the first novel by American writer Nicholson Baker. It narrates what goes through a man's mind during a modern lunch break.'
...is correct and sweetly inadequate! The writing is fantastic and I am enthralled, disgusted, and bored by the thoughts of the main person; I've read 75% and recommend this to people who dig David Foster Wallace's writing.
@bookstodon #NicholsonBaker #reading #DavidFosterWallace #books
#NicholsonBaker #reading #davidfosterwallace #books
Ciascuno di noi è nella catena alimentare dell'altro
è uno sport individuale
benvenuti al significato di individuale
siamo tutti profondamente soli qui
è ciò che tutti abbiamo in comune
la solitudine
#DavidFosterWallace Infinite jest
“The most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.”
#DavidFosterWallace (1962 – 2008) in #ThisIsWater (2005)
#OTD David Foster Wallace wasn’t born or died. But he probably felt like shit on many of these days. Yet, in some almost perverse way, he’s helping many of us not feel shit.
#otd #thisiswater #davidfosterwallace
Dark Media https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/06/26/dark-media/ #esteticadellasimulazione #sparatuttoinsoggettiva #DavidFosterWallace #finedellastoria #GioacchinoToni #TommasoAriemma #AaronSpelling #MarioPerniola #socialnetwork #Recensioni #DarrenStar #DavidLynch #nuovimedia #darkmedia #MarkFrost #videogame #distopie #internet #Nirvana #otaku #Web
#esteticadellasimulazione #sparatuttoinsoggettiva #davidfosterwallace #finedellastoria #gioacchinotoni #TommasoAriemma #aaronspelling #MarioPerniola #socialnetwork #recensioni #DarrenStar #davidlynch #nuovimedia #darkmedia #markfrost #videogame #distopie #internet #nirvana #otaku #web
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Mark My Words: Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield Will Spark the RomCom Renaissance https://jezebel.com/mark-my-words-florence-pugh-and-andrew-garfield-will-s-1850298151 #Jezebel #andrewgarfieldwillspark #davidfosterwallace #theacademyawards #andrewgarfield #humaninterest #florencepugh #jimmyfallon #johncrowley #nickpayne #jojomoyes #netflix #pugh
#jezebel #andrewgarfieldwillspark #davidfosterwallace #theacademyawards #andrewgarfield #humaninterest #florencepugh #jimmyfallon #johncrowley #nickpayne #jojomoyes #netflix #pugh
You are the sickness yourself….
You realize all this…
when you look at the black hole
and it’s wearing your face.
That’s when the Bad Thing
just absolutely eats you up,
or rather
when you just eat yourself up.
When you kill yourself.
All this business
about people committing suicide
when they’re “severely depressed;”
We say, “Holy cow,
we must do something
to stop them from killing themselves!”
That’s wrong.
#existentialism #depression #Happiness
#davidfosterwallace #existentialism #depression #happiness
Da #DFW alla #scienza passando per la #matematica
#AndreaPlazzi #RobertoNatalini #DavidFosterWallace #ComicsScience #LoSpazioBianco
#dfw #scienza #matematica #andreaplazzi #robertonatalini #davidfosterwallace #comicsscience #lospaziobianco
Confession: I've always wanted to write something on David Foster Wallace. And now I have! "David Foster Wallace, Both Professional and Not," is now online at English Studies.
Wallace is fascinated by professionals: athletes, journalists, accountants. But what does he think about the professionalization of the fiction writer? I look at this question in his essays, short fiction, and The Pale King.
#davidfosterwallace #litstudies
“[…] sarcasm and jokes were often the bottle in which clinical depressives sent out their most plangent screams for someone to care and help them.”
David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest, 1996.
#amreading #davidfosterwallace #infinitejest
“Over half the admits to psych wards are things like cheerleaders who swallow two bottles of Mydol over a high-school breakup or gray lonely asexual depressing people rendered inconsolable by the death of a pet.”
David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest, 1996.
#amreading #davidfosterwallace #infinitejest
Another DVD to add to my collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows along with a copy of the book the film is based on. #ChrisMeloni #BriefInterviews #BriefInterviewsWithHideousMen #DavidFosterWallace
#chrismeloni #briefinterviews #briefinterviewswithhideousmen #davidfosterwallace
Oletko lukenut?
Minulla suomenkielinen vielä kesken, alkukielellä viimeistelin 2020. Ensimmäiset parisataa sivua etenivät hitaasti 2015-2019, mutta 2020 syksyllä työskentelin 50 sivun päivävauhdilla muutaman viikon ajan, jotta saisin valmiiksi ennen suomennosta.
Eipä silloin juuri muuta tullut tehtyäkään. #PäättymätönRiemu #InfiniteJest #Siltala #Sanasato #TeroValkonen #DavidFosterWallace #KirjaMastodon #Bookstodon
#paattymatonriemu #infinitejest #siltala #sanasato #terovalkonen #davidfosterwallace #kirjamastodon #bookstodon
nonsense #DavidFosterWallace #DonDeLillo #2023 #JedenTagEinPost
#davidfosterwallace #dondelillo #jedentageinpost
Well, that's pretty great to hear. I actually did three tests with snippets from all three of my currently published novels with similar results. I am just so OK cool with any comparison of my writing to #DavidFosterWallace
#Amwriting #writingcommunity #Writers
#davidfosterwallace #amwriting #writingcommunity #writers
#DavidFosterWallace is one of my favourite writers who sadly took his life on the 12th of September 2008, at the age of 46.
"This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life" is an essay that originated from an commencement speech he gave in 2005, and I do occasionally share this cinematic adaption by #TheGlossary , since it deeply resonates with me and bears some capital T truth.
#davidfosterwallace #theglossary
Just before #Infinitejest, David Foster Wallace took a cruise. His report was as brilliant as the novel. Read “Cruisin’ with David Foster Wallace” in The Attic. https://www.theattic.space/home-page-blogs/2023/1/5/cruisin-with-david-foster-wallace
#davidfosterwallace #dfw #infinitejest
#dfw #davidfosterwallace #infinitejest
#Reading #AmReading
'"On Tennis" by #DavidFosterWallace oh I haven't been this nostalgic for 90"s Tennis since #Federer parting game and our shared understanding of age, though #Rafa cried only for him. I wish he was still alive (David, not Roger) so I could know his opinion on what happened to #Tennis since 2006...
If you love the game (maybe if you are also older than 35) you MUST read this book.
#Reading #amreading #davidfosterwallace #federer #rafa #tennis #book #books #bookreview #bookstodon