#DavidGianforte, the #nonbinary adult child* of #Montana governor #GregGianforte, lobbied him to reject #AntiTrans bills:
* David is described as the governor's "son" in the article, which might be OK given the he/they pronouns, but it seems more appropriate to me to use a gender-neutral term.
#davidgianforte #nonbinary #montana #greggianforte #antitrans #transphobia
Gianforte is a 5-star asshole, who assaulted a reporter.
#Montana governor lobbied by non-binary son to reject anti-trans bills: David Gianforte, who uses he/they pronouns, said they urged father Greg to stand up against ‘unjust, immoral’ legislation
#davidgianforte #transgender
#montana #davidgianforte #transgender