Die Geheimdienste der #USA verstecken #Ufo|s und verheimlichen der Welt die Existenz von #Aliens -
mit diesen Aussagen schockte #Whistleblower #DavidGrusch diesen Sommer die ganze Welt.
#fakebusters #Podcast
#Podcast #fakebusters #davidgrusch #whistleblower #aliens #ufo #usa
Thorough. Six questions, with answers, about #UFOHearings.
No, the government didn’t say aliens are real. What we can VERIFY about the UFO hearing https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/science-verify/ufo-hearing-whistleblower-testimony-aliens-what-we-can-verify/536-691fc76a-18f5-4453-aca4-0c2ffbcada7d via @VerifyThis
#UFOs #space #NASA #whistleblower #Pentagon #aliens #Navy #AirForce #USN #USAF #Congress #USHouse #DoD #UAP #UnexplainedAerialPhenomena #mystery #DavidGrusch #biologics #FactCheck #Politics
#politics #factcheck #biologics #davidgrusch #mystery #unexplainedaerialphenomena #uap #dod #ushouse #congress #usaf #usn #airforce #navy #aliens #pentagon #whistleblower #NASA #space #ufos #ufohearings
@kcdl @MoonlightShade Agreed, the fact that #DavidGrusch is not a direct witness, not an “experiencer” but rather a highly credentialed investigator with top level security clearance is what makes his allegations compelling.
@Alrakis_Rosario @benjaminallocco @georgetakei what #DavidGrusch was testifying to is that people he deemed credible confided in him that this was so.
🥥 The clip to which Mr #GeorgeTakei has linked shows Rep. #NancyMace (R-SC) questioning Mr #DavidGrusch during a Congressional hearing about #UFOs.
As a tanned and virile pair of American testicles, I would have tapped that prior to her throwing away all her credibility for her whackadoodle colleagues on the rabidly right #GOP.
That's all I've got for now. 🥥
#GeorgeTakei #nancymace #davidgrusch #ufos #gop
'Onder zeer grote belangstelling van pers en publiek was er deze week een bijzondere hoorzitting voor het Amerikaanse Congres over #UFO's. Klokkenluider en voormalig hooggeplaatste inlichtingenofficier #DavidGrusch deed - onder ede - een reeks schokkende uitspraken die, als ze waar zijn, de wereld op z'n kop zouden zetten.' 👽👽👽
#DeDag #1403 - De UFO-files
Quién es David Grusch, el ex agente de inteligencia que afirma que el gobierno de EE.UU. tiene pruebas sobre ovnis #Emol
#DavidGrusch #Grusch #UFO #OVNI
#emol #davidgrusch #grusch #ufo #ovni
US is hiding the UFO program, says a former Air Force intelligence official.
#BreakingNews #USA #Ukraine #Russia #Aliens #OVNIS #TwitterX #extraterrestres #news23 #DavidGrusch #Aliens
#breakingnews #usa #ukraine #russia #aliens #ovnis #twitterx #extraterrestres #news23 #davidgrusch
The Onion: House Panel Didn’t Expect UFO Whistleblower To Just Dump Alien On Table Like That https://www.theonion.com/house-panel-didn-t-expect-ufo-whistleblower-to-just-dum-1850683084 #davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #unidentifiedflyingobject #humaninterest #timburchett #davidgrusch #ufologists #jamescomer #alien #ufo
#davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #unidentifiedflyingobject #humaninterest #timburchett #davidgrusch #ufologists #jamescomer #alien #ufo
Anhörung im KongreßEx-Geheimdienstler sicher: Pentagon vertuscht Alien-Beweise https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/alien-beweise-im-pentagon/ #Geheimdienst #DavidGrusch #Flugobjekt #US-Kongreß #Pentagon #Ausland #Alien #Ufo
#ufo #alien #ausland #pentagon #us #flugobjekt #davidgrusch #geheimdienst
Gizmodo: "Multi-Decade" Coverup Includes "Non Human Biologics," UFO Whistleblower Tells Congress https://gizmodo.com/david-grusch-ufos-aliens-uaps-congress-house-hearing-1850678642 #davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #alldomainanomalyresolutionoffice #interdimensionalufohypothesis #nasasuapindependentstudyteam #usrepresentativejamieraskin #identificationstudiesofufos #unidentifiedflyingobject #pentagonufovideos #humaninterest #ericburlison #timburchett #davidfravor #davidgrusch #jamieraskin
#davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #alldomainanomalyresolutionoffice #interdimensionalufohypothesis #nasasuapindependentstudyteam #usrepresentativejamieraskin #identificationstudiesofufos #unidentifiedflyingobject #pentagonufovideos #humaninterest #ericburlison #timburchett #davidfravor #davidgrusch #jamieraskin
@Randywestfall These are all claims #DavidGrusch made in public interviews and to Congress that he offered to substantiate to those with the proper clearance . It is fair to question their veracity and fair to question his motives for making them. But it may be that the least complicated reason is that he is telling the truth #DavidGrusch
I guess there is no real reason to be disappointed or surprised that humans would lie about seeing or knowing about ET.
“The story aligns with a lot of similar stories that have played out, going back to the 1980s and 1970s, that together allege that the US government has kept an incredible secret, the literal most extraordinary secret that mankind could have, for not just weeks or months, but years and decades, with no meaningful leak or documentary evidence to ever come forward,” Graff previously told the Guardian.
“I think when you look at the government’s ability to keep secret other really important secrets, there’s a lot of reason to doubt the capability of the government to do that.”
Gizmodo: "Multi-Decade" Coverup Includes "Non Human Biologics," UFO Whistleblower Tells Congress https://gizmodo.com/david-grusch-ufos-aliens-uaps-congress-house-hearing-1850678642 #davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #alldomainanomalyresolutionoffice #interdimensionalufohypothesis #nasasuapindependentstudyteam #usrepresentativejamieraskin #identificationstudiesofufos #unidentifiedflyingobject #pentagonufovideos #humaninterest #ericburlison #davidfravor #davidgrusch #jamieraskin #ryangraves
#davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #alldomainanomalyresolutionoffice #interdimensionalufohypothesis #nasasuapindependentstudyteam #usrepresentativejamieraskin #identificationstudiesofufos #unidentifiedflyingobject #pentagonufovideos #humaninterest #ericburlison #davidfravor #davidgrusch #jamieraskin #ryangraves
Ex-agente de Inteligência dos EUA diz que governo tem posse de nave alienígena e material biológico não-humano; assista
#ovnis #estadosunidos #davidgrusch #vinoinstagram #mundo
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Question Remains: Would You Bone an Alien? https://jezebel.com/the-question-remains-would-you-bone-an-alien-1850680047 #Jezebel #davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #20thcenturyfoxfilms #pentagonufovideos #audraheinrichs #humaninterest #emilyleibert #laurabassett #davidgrusch #kyliecheung #davidfravor #ryangraves #ufologists #xenomorph #nancymace #alantudyk #graves #alien #pilot #ufo
#jezebel #davidgruschufowhistleblowerclaims #20thcenturyfoxfilms #pentagonufovideos #audraheinrichs #humaninterest #emilyleibert #laurabassett #davidgrusch #kyliecheung #davidfravor #ryangraves #ufologists #xenomorph #nancymace #alantudyk #graves #alien #pilot #ufo
@swebb @Randywestfall impressive hearing, a rare show of bipartisanism, refreshing. The ovation for #DavidGrusch was charming and unexpected. If, and it’s a big if, IF congress actually steps up and asserts more control over the way the DOD spends money, then that would be an outstanding achievement.
As a "UFO whistleblower" testifies before the U.S. Congress, that sound you may be hearing is Philip Klass, Carl Sagan, & James Randi rolling over in their graves!
Photo: Journalist & UFO debunker Philip Klass--via Skeptic online
#UFO #UAP #Science #Journalism #CarlSagan #JamesRandi #AmazingRandi #PhilipKlass #Congress #USCongress #USHouse #HouseOfRepresentatives #CongressionalHearing #DavidGrusch
#scienceisreal #ufo #uap #Science #Journalism #carlsagan #jamesrandi #amazingrandi #philipklass #congress #uscongress #ushouse #houseofrepresentatives #congressionalhearing #davidgrusch