RT @ShitFuckery1
We promised we wouldn't be we can't help ourselves. The Best Linda Hurley yet - More of the #SingingSovereign with You are my sunshine
This will be the last, we sorta kinda promise
#LindaHurley Governor General's wife (Special clip of #DavidHurley poking his own eye out)
#singingsovereign #lindahurley #davidhurley
RT @ShitFuckery1
There are numerous video clips of Governor General #DavidHurley's wife singing & 'encouraging' others to join in, often at what appear to be official events
Here's a few for your enjoyment, Feel free to get the family around the computer for a singalong
Linda Hurley #LNP Scotty
@jaaptimmer Yep, his wife Linda Hurley has her own YouTube channel starring herself singing to the unfortunate guests, Must be excruciating for them to be subjected to her singing. Complete nutters. What an embarrassment to Australia #auspol #davidhurley