I’m super GOOD at Sleeping 💤 Can’t UUU Tell… 💤😴 💤🛌 💤
I love #Reptilians
I love #DavidIcke
I love #AlexJones
#reptilians #davidicke #alexjones
#DavidIcke Talks GOD and demons in Next Level FULL INTERVIEW! https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=64a74f6cbc34b79e23351f7f #AlexJonesShow
LOVE💙 #DavidIcke
LOVE💜 #MariaZeee
🦋Seeing Through the Psyops & Exiting the Matrix
🦋David Icke joins Maria Zeee for a discussion around seeing through the endless psyops, including those within the freedom and alternative media space, leading to what we all ultimately need to do - exit the matrix
Skeptoid #46: Support Your Local Reptoid by Brian Dunning #reptoids #reptilians #davidicke #grayaliens #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot The conspiracy theory that reptilian beings control our governments has a fascinating history.
#reptoids #reptilians #davidicke #grayaliens #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Alex Jonestown was born in 1974? I thought he was in his sixties. And this fucker has a nerve to sell supplements?!
Has David “Lizard Boy” Icke got in on the supplement grift too? Or is he busy stealing more ideas from John Carpenter’s They Live.
No good, dirty, rotten conspiracy theorists!
The future is so blindingly depraved, I got to wear shades~
Lenon Honor is online now talking about his recovery from conspiracy theories:
#BlackMastodon #Reptilians #LizardPeople #ChitaUhura #DavidIcke #ConspiracyTheories
#blackmastodon #reptilians #lizardpeople #chitauhura #davidicke #conspiracytheories
The Scathing #Atheist
ep 521: Accountability Edition
In this week’s episode, breakfast sullies its good name with national #prayer, we learn about a fake treatment for #autism that's dumber than ass bleach, and we’ll explore yet another of the abundance of dark recesses in #DavidIcke’s brain.
#atheist #prayer #autism #davidicke
David Icke on Free Speech & Who controls the World
#Rense - 20221104H3 - Banned From The EU For 2 Years and labelled a Level 3 Terrorist (David Icke).mp3
24MB 52 minutes
Listen: https://tinyurl.com/25etmrw5
DL: https://tinyurl.com/26pkmklk
English Version Of The Immigration Letter Banning David Icke From EU For Two Years!
Musk: reinstates #DavidIcke, Holocaust denier banned for continuous Covid/5G disinformation (while UK 5G towers were literally being burned down)
UK Twitter: "Oh no! Anyway—"
Fifteen Minute Cities & AI Control https://www.infowars.com/posts/fifteen-minute-cities-ai-control/ #DavidIcke
"Themes like everything is connected, nothing happens without a purpose, and nothing is what it seems are central to both yoga philosophy and conspiratorial thinking"
Wow, seriously NPR? Is this real?? 👀👀👀
(According to their birdsite bio, the by-lined author on this "story" is a senior producer for the podcast it basically promotes 👀)
#covid #DavidIcke #EmilyGuerin #GuruJagat #Hinduism #journalism #media #NPR #QAnon #religion #yoga
#yoga #Religion #QAnon #npr #Media #journalism #Hinduism #gurujagat #emilyguerin #davidicke #COVID
I don’t know about you but #DavidIcke doesn’t seem quite as much the “conspiracy theorist” now to me This is from 1998, try to convince me he’s talking bollocks, I dare you
When #SelfRespect Is Diluted Submission Follows (Podcast Clip)
Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Clip: Tammy talks with #DavidIcke about deleting, self respect, submission, human, current events, conscious, masks, conscious mind, viral particles, virus, breathing, #carbondioxide, breathing breaks, oxygen, parents, subconscious, deletion of individuality
#carbondioxide #davidicke #selfrespect
Rechter vindt dat complotdenker David Icke terecht inreisverbod kreeg
#DavidIcke #Complotdenker #Inreisverbod
#inreisverbod #complotdenker #davidicke
[1991] Wogan - "The world as we know it is about to end", Terry Wogan interviews David Icke.
#OldBritishTelly #Wogan #davidicke
Apropå Skansen-Jonas relation till salamandrar. #davidicke
"Vad skulle du tycka om du ville bygga ut Skansen-Akvariet och en salamander satte stopp?
– Det skulle så klart vara heltokigt, tycker jag"
Källa: https://www.tn.se/naringsliv/skansenprofilen-orimligt-att-salamandrar-stoppar-volvofabrik/
@nafnlaus @euobserver @Meyer_Resende
What an idiotic question. Look up the word in Urban Dictionary. I mean untrustworthy, mendacious & perfidious. I am not referring to #DavidIcke. That's your association, not mine.