Attack of the PETSCII Robots… Para MSX?
#MundoRetro #AppleII #CommanderX16 #Commodore #Commodore128 #Commodore64 #CommodoreAmiga #CommodorePET #CommodoreVIC20 #DavidMurray #jogo #MegaDrive #MSDOS #MSX #NES #port #PSP #REU #SNES #The8bitGuy #V9990 #videogame #ZXSpectrum
#zxspectrum #videogame #v9990 #the8bitguy #snes #reu #psp #port #nes #msx #msdos #megadrive #jogo #davidmurray #commodorevic20 #commodorepet #commodoreamiga #commodore64 #commodore128 #commodore #commanderx16 #appleii #mundoretro
#NowPlaying David Murray & Low Class Conspiracy - Vol. 1 : Penthouse Jazz (Circle Records, 1977).
Recorded August 18, 1977 at the Bim Huis, Amsterdam.
With David Murray (ts), Lawrence "Butch" Morris (c), Don Pullen (p), Fred Hopkins (b), Stanley Crouch (d).
What a free band! Fabulous record 🖤
#nowplaying #davidmurray #donpullen #circlerecords #freejazz
And now I’ve remembered Murray at World Saxophone Quartet concerts, which I wrote about here:
#Jazz #Music #DavidMurray #WorldSaxophoneQuartet #GreatAmericanMusicHall
#greatamericanmusichall #worldsaxophonequartet #davidmurray #music #jazz
The joy of listening to David Murray. #111Words #DavidMurray #Jazz #Music #WorldSaxophoneQuartet #JackDeJohnette #AkiTakase
#akitakase #jackdejohnette #worldsaxophonequartet #music #jazz #davidmurray #111words
David Murray Quartet, Village Vanguard, 1/22/23 #DavidMurray #jazz #VillageVanguard
#davidmurray #jazz #villagevanguard
West Indies cricket great David Murray dead at 72
#westindiescricket #davidmurray #rip
#westindiescricket #davidmurray #rip