📷 "Pervert's Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Drops New Bomb!"
In the check-out line at Piggly-Wiggly, April 12, 2023.
#Photography #StreetPhotohraphy #Documentary #SilentSunday #Tabloid #JeffreyEpstein #Trump #AlanDershowitz #DavidPecker #GhislaneMaxwell (implied)
#alandershowitz #jeffreyepstein #ghislanemaxwell #davidpecker #Trump #tabloid #silentsunday #Documentary #streetphotohraphy #Photography
Una vez perteneces a la mafia, no hay salida. No hay opción. Es tu amo.
El #NationalEnquirer no es excepción.
En 1999 en Enquirer pasa a pertenecer a #DavidPecker, un nombre que aparece bajo el pseudónimo "AMI CEO" en los escritos de imputación a Donald J #Trump.
#nationalenquirer #davidpecker #trump
While masterfully funny: This chyron has nothing to do with @MSNBC. However, Trump may be worried about David Pecker's testimony regarding a 'catch and kill' operation in his trial. http://bit.ly/3GqlVeL #FakeNews #Chyron #MSNBC #Trump #DavidPecker #CatchAndKill
#Trial #MediaManipulation #Satire
#fakenews #chyron #msnbc #trump #davidpecker #catchandkill #trial #mediamanipulation #satire
At 76 years of age, this man-baby is FINALLY soon to be held accountable for SOME of his crimes. He’s a grown man who has yet to grow up.
He’s a damned disgrace, as are his supporters.
#DonaldTrump #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #MichaelCohen #DavidPecker #AlvinBragg
#AlvinBragg #davidpecker #michaelcohen #stormydaniels #hushmoney #DonaldTrump
OK, I will say a couple things about trump & co today:
1. At least one of the roughly dozen pro-trump flags on my commute came down this morning
2. I'm actually slightly jazzed to see that David Pecker, who owns American Media Inc., which publishes the National Enquirer and basically owns all the real estate in most Americans' checkout lane at the grocery store, has had to testify. I actually think shutting down AMI would be far more consequential to American politics than anything that happens to trump. Imagine buying groceries and not being bombarded with headlines about how much Megan Markle sucks. Nice, eh?
#uspol #davidpecker #tfg #nationalenquirer #ami
Of course #DavidPecker will be central to this case. #TFG is always a #clown show.
#Trump to be Arraigned on Criminal Charges Today https://politicaliq.com/2023/04/04/former-president-trump-to-be-arraigned-on-criminal-charges/ #TrumpIndicted #TrumpArraignment #StormyDaniels #MichaelCohen #DavidPecker #ManhattanGrandJury #HushMoney #politicaliq #news #politics
#trump #trumpindicted #trumparraignment #stormydaniels #michaelcohen #davidpecker #manhattangrandjury #hushmoney #politicaliq #News #politics
“Six months from now we might look back and this is a footnote that pales in comparison to potential Justice Department indictments.”
#News #DonaldTrump #indictment #alvinbragg #stormydaniels #MichaelCohen #RonDeSantis #DavidPecker #TuckerCarlson #mikepence
#News #DonaldTrump #indictment #alvinbragg #stormydaniels #michaelcohen #rondesantis #davidpecker #tuckercarlson #mikepence
Puzzles minds
Why David Pecker
Back before Grand Jury
Trump hush money trial?
#davidpecker #trump #hushmoney #grandjury #cinquain #poetry
As we await news on the #trumpindictment don’t forget that there was a tape of Donald and Michael Cohen discussing creating a “company”, presumably to pay for multiple cleanup operations like the Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels matters. If this can be established, Trump may be facing charges of not only FEC violations, but possibly bank fraud and wire fraud. #stormydaniels #davidpecker #michaelcohen #karenmcdougal #TrumpCrimeFamily https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/07/25/trump-cohen-tape-karen-mcdougal-legal-ramifications-column/834022002/
#trumpindictment #stormydaniels #davidpecker #michaelcohen #karenmcdougal #TrumpCrimeFamily
Former #NationalEnquirer Publisher Testifies Before #Trump #HushMoney Grand Jury https://politicaliq.com/2023/03/28/former-tabloid-publisher-testifies-before-trump-hush-money-grand-jury/ #DavidPecker #StormyDaniels #MichaelCohen #AlvinBragg #Manhattan #GrandJury #politicaliq #news #politics
#nationalenquirer #trump #hushmoney #davidpecker #stormydaniels #michaelcohen #alvinbragg #manhattan #grandjury #politicaliq #News #politics
The #Manhattan #GrandJury weighing evidence about #Trump’s role in a #HushMoney payment to a porn star heard testimony on Monday from a crucial witness, …#DavidPecker, the former publisher of #TheNationalEnquirer, (who) also testified in January.
#manhattan #grandjury #trump #hushmoney #davidpecker #thenationalenquirer
Today, a Pecker imperiled a prick.
#DavidPecker #NationalEnquirer #DonaldTrump #MichaelCohen #StormyDaniels #HushMoney #AlvinBragg
#AlvinBragg #hushmoney #stormydaniels #michaelcohen #DonaldTrump #nationalenquirer #davidpecker
“Catch and kill.” The idea that news story rights can be bought is crazy.
#DavidPecker #AMI #AmericanMediaInc #NationalEnquirer #Trump #DonaldTrump #CatchAndKill
#CatchandKill #DonaldTrump #Trump #nationalenquirer #americanmediainc #ami #davidpecker
Tuesday's #Countdown podcast from #KeithOlbermann
Keith's take on the "hush money" payments from the infamous #DavidPecker and #MichaelCohen - who was charged and served (minimal) time. Then why some in the#GQP are distancing themselves from the 🍊 💩 🤡
BTW, as I mentioned in a post last night, why is that SOB tRump still free and not in jail?
#uspolitics #trumpforprison #trumpcrimes #michaelcohen #davidpecker #keitholbermann #countdown
#DavidPecker, Ex-publisher of #NationalEnquirer set to meet with NY's Manhattan prosecutors investigating #Trump. Pecker’s meeting is scheduled for this week, sources tell CNN. He was involved in an effort to stop adult film star #StormyDaniels from going public about a past alleged affair with Trump days before the 2016 presidential election. (Trump has denied the affair.)
#davidpecker #nationalenquirer #trump #stormydaniels