David Rovics discuses tactics and stratagees for the left.
#davidrovics #left #libertarian #anotherworldispossible
Red Brown Rovics still at it like a back of the nutsack skin tag.
Behind These Prison Walls
Behind these prison walls there’s a man who’s won awards
For the work that he has done and all that it affords
Such as the knowledge of the horrors committed in our name
They can’t stop the message, so the messenger gets blamed
Behind these prison walls, in solitary confinement
In a land of rolling hills and royalty and other such refinement
Is someone who is a hero to whistleblowers everywhere
Who helped them tell the world of the crimes of Tony Blair
#davidrovics #Music #politicalmusic #julianassange
If I Had a Hammer
I watched it on the TV, machine guns
Fire towards the ground, I watched the people run
Helicopter gunship strafing the street
I watched them lining up the bodies in the Baghdad heat
They say these leaks had consequences, and I must agree
When I saw them fire on the children, it affected me
I thought what if I were wearing the other shoe
If I had a hammer, what would I do
#davidrovics #Music #politicalmusic
When the Workers of the World Combine
When that time arrives, maybe it looks like May Day
Like a festival that comes home and doesn’t go away
Every race and gender, every walk and station
With the working class united, every land and nation
Then just watch what happens, when we follow the same sign
When the workers of the world combine
#davidrovics #Music #politicalmusic #mayday #internationalworkersday
P159 - Transgressions | Transgressive
#Transgressions #Racism #Genocide #HumanRights #War
#allie_in_chains #saulwilliams #jimwoodland #buffystemarie #terryblade #regmeuross #tomglitter #arundhatiroy #andybandtheworld #davidrovics #transgressive #transgressions #racism #genocide #humanrights #war
If I Had a Hammer
Sometimes I try to wonder, why should I care
But then the answer seems so obvious – there are people down there
And right here in Queensland there's an Army base
And there's a helicopter gunship just sitting in place
There's a time for watching, there's a time to act
It's just gonna kill more children if it remains intact
I am just one person, but you are, too
If you had a hammer, what would you do
#davidrovics #Music #politicalmusic #hammer
Seeing how David Rovics is back (or is it still?) on his bullshit. #davidrovics #anarchopuritans #cancelculturecommandos
#davidrovics #anarchopuritans #cancelculturecommandos
Seeing how David Rovics is back (or is it still?) on his bullshit. #davidrovics #anarchipuritans #cancelculturecommandos
#davidrovics #anarchipuritans #cancelculturecommandos
#MatWard makes music and has a monthly column of #PoliticalMusic
#Polyrical is a podcast of political music
#ongoinghistoryofprotestmusic #matward #politicalmusic #polyrical #TheCoup #GracePetrie #billybragg #JesseJett #lowkey #malvinareynolds #crysmatthews #bobvylan #commonerschoir #Chumbawamba #thatruth #SOLE #leereed #UtahPhillips #davidrovics #buffysaintemarie #evangreer #ryanharvey #annefeeney #thirdroot #pavlovshouse
Polyrical Podcast 158
#joyoladokun #eastpalestine #anti #theadvocatecollective #thirdclass #conorryanhenne1 #tomneilson #davidrovics #ElizaGilkyson #JesseJett #MyaByrne #PaisleyFields #autumnnicholas #Music #politicalmusic
#DavidRovics song #Liberty and #Justice For All, "About #FDR's #ExecutiveOrder9066, which ordered the internment of most #Japanese #American men, women and children throughout the United States in 1941. Actor #GeorgeTakei was one of them, as a small child."
So much grace, forgiveness and good will in George Takei's heart. The unconstitutional and shameful US WW2 camps were done by a revered #Democrat & #Republicans are worse. Transparency & accountability.
#republicans #democrat #georgetakei #american #japanese #executiveorder9066 #fdr #justice #liberty #davidrovics
Who would Jesus bomb?
#Music #PoliticalMusic #Jesus #War
Yes, I've seen you on the TV
And on the battleships
I've seen you in a house up on the hill
And I've heard you talking about making the world safer
And about all the men you have to kill
And you speak so glibly about your civilization
And how you have the moral higher ground
While halfway around the world, your explosives smash the building
If you could only hear the sound
But maybe Jesus would sell land mines
And turn on his electric chair
Maybe Jesus would show no compassion
For his enemies in the lands way over there
Maybe Jesus would have flown the planes that killed the kids in Vietnam
Who would Jesus bomb?
#davidrovics #Music #politicalmusic #jesus #war
@tacocat white nationalist, huh? I must be outa the loop here. I saw #davidrovics years ago at Cosmic Pizza and laughed my ass off at his song, “I’m a better anarchist than you.” Even bought his CD. He seemed like a funny, nice guy, what gives?
Just a Renter by David Rovics
#DavidRovics #PDX #Portland #Rent #Landlords https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGG3A2_KAiE
#davidrovics #pdx #portland #rent #landlords
Pal to white nationalists and antisemites, David Rovics has multiple West Coast tour dates coming up- shows in Eugene, Ashland, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, San Francisco (no info on this one yet) and Cave Junction, OR. No platform for fascist sympathizers! Please share this with folks in those cities and get these shows shut down!
#DavidRovics #Berkely #Eugene #SantaCruz #Ashland #SF #SanFrancisco
#davidrovics #berkely #eugene #santacruz #Ashland #sf #sanfrancisco
White nationalist platformer David Rovics is playing a house show in Eugene. Folks might want to give Todd a call and ask him why he host someone who defends fascists. #DavidRovics #EugeneOregon
Grazie David Rovics per questa emozionante canzone e per il tuo appoggio alla 24 ore per #Assange.
#DavidRovics #24hAssange #SaveTheDate 15 OTTOBRE 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImlA1HFWvB8&ab_channel=DavidRovics&fbclid=IwAR0Wiq9x38FMeZNXzzXQqtYVoNESvxx55HlH2URXPDRqj36Cb6yvJZIfWes
#savethedate #24hAssange #davidrovics #assange