#DecoyBride 2011 (#DavidTennant, Kelly Macdonald)
Ouch. DT is cast as an English person, despite it being set in Scotland, which makes no sense. He looks tired. KM does a bit better, with a better part, but still. Lacking chemistry and lots of it feels kind of phoned in. Great scene where DT dresses in KM's dad's old clothes including plaid flared trousers and a fuzzy vest. But wow. Even Leap Year was better than this as far as quaint backwater rom-coms go.
#DoctorWho star #DavidTennant says returning for 60th anniversary shows was 'an unexpected treat' https://ew.com/tv/doctor-who-60th-anniversary-david-tennant-photos-interview/
Tras una muestra de 5 (cinco) series, puedo afirmar que #DavidTennant es la antítesis de Sansón:
- afeitado: superpoderes, personalidad expansiva, refulge (de Who, Jessica Jones, good omens)
- con barba: Señor flemáticoTM tirando a depre, desapercibición (broadchurch, el incendio)
第一次read through的前十分钟好像不是很顺利,辛老师你还是不要有太多想法太enjoy yourself了哈哈哈哈哈哈
#goodomens #michaelsheen #davidtennant #neilgaiman
Keeping up with the DT fixation, this time with his first big TV role, set in a mental institution, where he plays a manic patient with much gusto. And adorable floppy 90s hair.
#DavidTennant #TV #GenX
With all due respect to the rest of the great cast, whoever suggested casting #DavidTennant as #Huyang deserves all the raises
Update on #DavidTennant fixation: watched movie You, Me, and Him, produced by Georgia Tennant. Really cringe despite excellent cast. Only for extreme DT completists. Plus he plays a total douche and not really in a cute way. I mean obvs he is cute but the character is awful.
Yeah so this is one of the weirdest #TV series I have ever seen. If "musical crime drama" doesn't already have you, take a look at the cast. Current Jules-fixation #DavidTennant when he was just a wee bairn, plus Anna from #W1A and the brilliantly slimy David Morrissey.
Wow. I just. Wow.
- #DavidTennant
- cat creatures
- the score
- Sabine: bratty badass punk semi-Jedi chick with THE HAIR did you see the hair
- obvs #RosarioDawson
- all the other ladies ladies ladies!
:StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars: :StarWars:
#davidtennant #rosariodawson #starwars #ahsoka
Feeding the flames of my #DavidTennant fixation with the crime drama miniseries #TheEscapeArtist. Because of course I am.
#davidtennant #theescapeartist
Kotaku: The Best Star Wars Easter Eggs In The Ahsoka TV Series https://kotaku.com/star-wars-ahsoka-easter-eggs-cast-release-date-show-1850766489 #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #jedikananjarrus #jameswhitbrook #starwarsrebels #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #asajjventress #davidtennant #clancybrown #kananjarrus #ezrabridger #warconflict #sabinewren #ahsokatano #ryderazadi #dathomir #ahsoka #thrawn #disney #filoni #kanan #droid
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #jedikananjarrus #jameswhitbrook #starwarsrebels #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #asajjventress #davidtennant #clancybrown #kananjarrus #ezrabridger #warconflict #sabinewren #ahsokatano #ryderazadi #dathomir #ahsoka #thrawn #disney #filoni #kanan #droid
Masters of sex真是好素材
Gizmodo: David Tennant Teases How Different His Return to Doctor Who Is https://gizmodo.com/david-tennant-doctor-who-60th-anniversary-14th-doctor-1850755648 #tinytoonslooniversitycartoonnetwork #thormarvelcomicsinothermedia #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #momazoncorporation #constantinsymsiris #efipapatheodorou #militaryfiction #daphnealexander #sciencefantasy #christoscallow #marvelstudios #nicolasbravos #davidtennant #davidetucci #chillbarry #spaceopera #ahsokatano #lightsaber #thor
#tinytoonslooniversitycartoonnetwork #thormarvelcomicsinothermedia #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #momazoncorporation #constantinsymsiris #efipapatheodorou #militaryfiction #daphnealexander #sciencefantasy #christoscallow #marvelstudios #nicolasbravos #davidtennant #davidetucci #chillbarry #spaceopera #ahsokatano #lightsaber #thor
Honestly, pretty relatable.
Mini-comic: Nick has a thing for David Tennant https://youtu.be/xnq2xf5hIac
#Heartstopper #doctorwho #davidtennant #goodomens