The Spaceshipper 🚀 · @TheSpaceshipper
5050 followers · 2851 posts · Server

Riddick was released 10 years ago today.
It was the last "Chronicles of Riddick " story. But back in February, Vin Diesel and director/writer David Twohy announced that they had begun work on pre-production for a fourth film, Furya. We shall see.

#scifi #riddick #vindiesel #davidtwohy #chroniclesofriddick

Last updated 1 year ago

Hotchka · @Hotchka
32 followers · 380 posts · Server

will return to his breakout role of in the fourth film in the series that began with , currently titled 'Riddick: Furya'. Franchise director will also return to helm his script. In the new film, Riddick finally returns to his home world, a place he barely remembers and one he fears might be left in ruins by the Necromongers. But there he finds other Furyans fighting for their existence against a new enemy.

#vindiesel #riddick #pitchblack #davidtwohy #movies

Last updated 2 years ago