42 years ago:
The Beyond (IT)
Original title: ...E tu vivrai nel terrore! L'aldilĂ
A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.
#TheBeyond #LucioFulci #CatrionaMacColl #DavidWarbeck #CinziaMonreale #Horror #ClassicFilm
#thebeyond #luciofulci #catrionamaccoll #davidwarbeck #cinziamonreale #horror #classicfilm
35 years ago:
Rat Man (IT)
Original title: Quella villa in fondo al parco
A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investagation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investagations lead them to an unknown part of th...
#RatMan #GiulianoCarnimeo #DavidWarbeck #JanetĂ…gren #EvaGrimaldi
#ratman #giulianocarnimeo #davidwarbeck #janetagren #evagrimaldi
42 years ago:
The Black Cat (IT)
Original title: Black Cat: Gatto nero
When a young couple goes missing in a sleepy English village, Scotland Yard Inspector Gorley is brought in to assist on the case. But what starts off as routine investigation turns into a murder inquiry when the couple are found dead in mysterious circumstances.
#TheBlackCat #LucioFulci #PatrickMagee #MimsyFarmer #DavidWarbeck #Horror #ClassicMovies
#theblackcat #luciofulci #patrickmagee #mimsyfarmer #davidwarbeck #horror #classicmovies
50 years ago:
Black Snake (US)
A man searches for his brother on an island where a vicious woman keeps slaves on a plantation.
#BlackSnake #RussMeyer #AnouskaHempel #DavidWarbeck #PercyHerbert #ClassicFilm
#blacksnake #russmeyer #anouskahempel #davidwarbeck #percyherbert #classicfilm