@Sheril Psst. Any chance you could edit in a #DavidZinn hashtag to your post so more people can find it on the tag as well, please? 🙏 👍
I used to boost things off it some months ago, but would have missed this if it hadn't gone viral on Explore. Thanks either way.
@Heliograph It is. Thanks so much for making me aware 🥰
And thanks #DavidZinn for the work.
@fkamiah17 isn't it gorgeous :blobcat_hearthug: his name is #DavidZinn https://zinnart.com his artworks are all adorable ☺️ 💘
@pattacakek isn't it just the most marvellous thing?! love #DavidZinn's work ☺️💘
🐕 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Lucius has come to the realization that he might be a hole-digging overachiever."
🔴 "Lucius ist zu der Erkenntnis gelangt, dass er vielleicht ein Löcher grabender Streber ist." #StreetArt #Art #SidewalkChalk #Chalkart #Dogs #Bulldog #Dogsofmastodon
#dogsofmastodon #bulldog #dogs #chalkart #sidewalkchalk #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🐶 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Bobby won his battle with the tree in the living room, but he's not sure how he feels about the minty stick reward."
🔴 "Bobby hat seinen Kampf mit dem Baum im Wohnzimmer gewonnen, aber er ist sich nicht sicher, was er von der Belohnung in Form eines Minzstäbchens hält."
#StreetArt #SidewalkChalk #Art
#puppy #peppermint #Chalkart #ByeByeXmasTree #candycane #Streetart #Mastoart
#MastoArt #candycane #byebyexmastree #chalkart #peppermint #puppy #art #sidewalkchalk #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
💡Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🟤 "Thanks to his firefly companion, Wallace sees almost everything in a good light. (Dank seines Glühwürmchen -Begleiters sieht Wallace fast alles in einem guten Licht.) - #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #SidewalkChalk #ChalkArt #Monster #Artwork
#artwork #monster #chalkart #sidewalkchalk #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🧣 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Marv has decided to remain bundled up until the joys of wintertime show themselves."
🔴 "Marv hat beschlossen, eingepackt zu bleiben, bis sich die Freuden des Winters zeigen." #StreetArt #SidewalkChalk #Art
#CoatWeather #stubbornness
#Mantelwetter #Sturheit
#Streetart #Mastoart #ChalkArt
#chalkart #MastoArt #sturheit #Mantelwetter #stubbornness #coatweather #art #sidewalkchalk #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
👓 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Clara is hoping her new glasses will make 2023 less of a blur." 🐔
🔴 Clara hofft, dass ihre neue Brille das Jahr 2023 weniger verschwommen erscheinen lässt.🐔
#Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Graffiti #Artwork 3DChalkArt #Artwork #chicken #glasses #FocusOnTheFuture
#sidewalkchalk #GOODMORNING ☕
#goodmorning #sidewalkchalk #focusonthefuture #glasses #chicken #artwork #graffiti #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🎈 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title:
🔴 "Colin has found the perfect way to keep his chin up while also drawing attention away from his nose.
🔴 "Colin hat den perfekten Weg gefunden, sein Kinn hochzuhalten und gleichzeitig die Aufmerksamkeit von seiner Nase abzulenken. "
#Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Graffiti #Artwork 3DChalkArt
#Opossum #Possum #Artwork #LookMaNoHands #Chalkart #sidewalkchalk #GOODMORNING ☕
#goodmorning #sidewalkchalk #chalkart #lookmanohands #possum #opossum #artwork #graffiti #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🐁 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 -
🔴Title: "Nadine Finds a Torch and Relights the Sun." 🔥
🔴 "Nadine findet eine Fackel
und zündet die Sonne wieder
an." 🔥
#Streetart #Art #Mastoart #maus #Graffiti #Artwork #mouse #fire
#Chalkart #sidewalkchalk 💕
#sidewalkchalk #chalkart #fire #mouse #artwork #graffiti #Maus #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🐈 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 -
🔴Title: "Jasper prepares for a long week of self-control." 🎄
🔴 "Jasper bereitet sich auf eine lange Woche der Selbstbeherrschung vor." 🎄- #Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Mural #Graffiti #Artwork #Kitten #xmas #Chalkart #sidewalkchalk 💕
#sidewalkchalk #chalkart #xmas #kitten #artwork #graffiti #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
Dieser Toot von #DavidZinn hatte wunderbare 82 Likes ⭐ bei mir, aber nur 38 Boost. Das geschieht fast jedesmal. Ehrlich? Ich verstehe Euch leider nicht. 😔
This toot by David Zinn had wonderful 82 likes ⭐ on me, but only 38 boost. This happens almost every time.
Really? I'm afraid I don't understand you.😔
🦁Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 -
Title: 🦋"Leslie's ability to catch butterflies is hampered by her awe of butterflies.
- 🦋" Leslies Fähigkeit, Schmetterlinge zu fangen, wird durch ihre Ehrfurcht vor Schmetterlingen beeinträchtigt."
#Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Artwork #ChalkArt #Lion #Butterfly #KeineKatze
#SidewalkChalk 💕
#sidewalkchalk #keinekatze #butterfly #Lion #chalkart #artwork #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
🍪Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 -
Title: 🐿️ "Sluggo made a pan of brownies to share, having forgotten that squirrels are bad at sharing.
🍪 Sluggo hat eine Pfanne Brownies gebacken, um sie mit anderen zu teilen, weil er vergessen hat, dass Eichhörnchen schlecht im Teilen sind.🍪 -
#Streetart #Art #Mastoart #Mural #Artwork #squirrel #Alien #Eichhörnchen #ChalkArt #Friendship #SidewalkChalk 💕
#sidewalkchalk #friendship #chalkart #eichhornchen #alien #squirrel #artwork #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn