(Repost) Davy Jones - Wake The Dead: Du willst Punkrock? Du bekommst Punkrock! DAVY JONES veröffentlichen ihr neuestes Album „Wake The Dead“ und bringen Live-Atmosphäre und Abriss direkt zu dir nach Hause. #davyjones https://www.burnyourears.de/reviews/genres/punk-rock/53828-davy-jones-wake-the-dead.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #PunkRock
Davy Jones - Wake The Dead: Du willst Punkrock? Du bekommst Punkrock! DAVY JONES veröffentlichen ihr neuestes Album „Wake The Dead“ und bringen Live-Atmosphäre und Abriss direkt zu dir nach Hause. #davyjones https://www.burnyourears.de/reviews/genres/punk-rock/53828-davy-jones-wake-the-dead.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #PunkRock
"Daydream Believer" is a song composed by American songwriter #JohnStewart shortly before he left the #KingstonTrio. It was originally recorded by the Monkees, with #DavyJones singing the lead. The single reached No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart in December 1967, remaining there for four weeks, and peaked at No. 5 on the #UKSinglesChart. It was the Monkees' third and last No. 1 hit in the U.S. In 1979.
#johnstewart #kingstontrio #davyjones #uksingleschart
54 years ago today:
The Monkees
S0E10: Touch Tone Symphony
A sketch from The Monkees appearance on the Glenn Campbell Goodtime Hour
Airdate: 1969-05-02
#TheMonkees #DavyJones #NBC #ClassicTV
#themonkees #davyjones #nbc #classictv
54 years ago today:
The Monkees
S0E2: 33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee
Four individuals are brainwashed into forming a musical group, featuring guest appearances from some of the superstars of 1950s rock 'n' roll.
Airdate: 1969-04-14
#TheMonkees #DavyJones #NBC #BBCOne #tvseries
#themonkees #davyjones #nbc #bbcone #tvseries
55 years ago today, The Monkees' episode "Monkees In Paris," aired on NBC.
#TheMonkees #TV #1960s #Nostalgia
#DavyJones #PeterTork #MickyDolenz
19 February 1968 S2E22
Monkees in Paris
Four girls chase the boys through the streets of Paris while they are on holiday.
#themonkees #tv #1960s #nostalgia #davyjones #petertork #mickydolenz #michaelnesmith
Je fais un autre #ChooseYourOwnAdventure pour mes étudiants pour le jour de révision. Cette fois, c'est le thème de #pirate. Ça meurt (dans le casier à #DavyJones) si ça choisit une idée grammaticale qu'on a pas encore apprise.
#chooseyourownadventure #pirate #davyjones #pedagogie #francais #sla
Colm McGuinness: Davy Jones (feat. @RachelHardy @Fialeja ) - YouTube
#Music #DavyJones #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #HansZimmer #ColmMcGuinness
#music #davyjones #piratesofthecaribbean #hanszimmer #colmmcguinness
Happy Birthday to the late #DavyJones and #MikeNesmith 😇😇🎂🎉#theMonkees
#davyjones #mikenesmith #themonkees
Von Luzy´s Pirate Leather
5 mm Haarperle "Davy Jones" - AM - altmessingfarben - 12,00 €
Haarschmuck für Zöpfe
Material: Messing, Farbe: Altmessing
Größe: 29 x 20 x 13 mm -
Durchlass: 5 mm
#luzyspirateleather #larp #piraten #davy_jones #PotC #haarschmuckmessing #haarperle #bartperle #davyjones
Bestellung hier: https://lpl-shop.de/de/5mm-Haarperle-Davy-Jones-AM.html
#luzyspirateleather #larp #piraten #davy_jones #potc #haarschmuckmessing #haarperle #bartperle #davyjones
A refugee from Twitter (I still have one, same name) adding hashtags to hopefully eventually gather some people of my fandoms
#RhettandLink #RhettMcLaughlin #LinkNeal #GoodMythicalMorning #GMM 🐓
#BenBrainard #BenjaminBrainard #WelcomeToTheTable #WTTT #WelcomeToTheStatehouse #WTTSH 🐊
#Monkees #MikeNesmith #MickyDolenz #PeterTork #DavyJones #TheMonkees 🎸
Those are the main ones. I’ll also mention #dragons #fantasy #wolves #TalesFromTheGasStation #Pokemon
I’ll make more once I think of them
#rhettandlink #rhettmclaughlin #linkneal #goodmythicalmorning #gmm #benbrainard #benjaminbrainard #welcometothetable #wttt #welcometothestatehouse #wttsh #monkees #mikenesmith #MickyDolenz #petertork #davyjones #TheMonkees #dragons #fantasy #wolves #talesfromthegasstation #pokemon