On this date in 1992, airing on the American TV network, NBC, A Different World's episode: "The Cat's in the Cradle."
#TV #1980s #1990s
#ADifferentWorld (1987-1993)
#JasmineGuy #KadeemHardison
#DarrylMBell #DawnLewis
#CharneleBrown #LisaBonet
16 January 1992 S5E14 "Cat's in the Cradle"
Ron and Dwayne's version of a racial clash differs from that of three students from a rival school, landing all the students in jail.
#tv #1980s #1990s #adifferentworld #jasmineguy #kadeemhardison #darrylmbell #dawnlewis #charnelebrown #lisabonet #creesummer