Global News BC: Man missing after suspected shooting in Dawson Creek, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DawsonCreekShooting #davedomingomissing #NorthernBCcrime #davedomingo #DawsonCreek #MissingMan #northernBC #Shotsfired #Shooting #Missing #BCRCMP #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #dawsoncreekshooting #davedomingomissing #northernbccrime #davedomingo #dawsoncreek #MissingMan #northernBC #Shotsfired #shooting #missing #BCRCMP #crime #RCMP “Heather McAleney, a former summer camp counsellor from #Fort StJohn in #northernBC., recently graduated with a #nursing degree in May. She secured a registered nurse position at a hospital in #DawsonCreek, about 75 kilometres away.
#fort #northernbc #nursing #dawsoncreek
Global News BC: Police seek man last seen leaving Dawson Creek hotel #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DawsonCreekTravelodge #missingmanDawsonCreek #BCmissingperson #DawsonCreekRcmp #RonaldPilgrim #DawsonCreek #BCmissing #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #dawsoncreektravelodge #missingmandawsoncreek #BCmissingperson #dawsoncreekrcmp #ronaldpilgrim #dawsoncreek #BCmissing #Canada
New hospital in Dawson Creek moves forward | BC Gov News “construction starting in July for the new #DawsonCreek and District #Hospital.
In co-ordination with #NorthernHealth and Infrastructure BC, Graham Design Builders LP has been named the preferred proponent on the project.
Construction is expected to begin in July 2023, with substantial completion in fall 2026. The new hospital is expected to be ready for patients in 2027.”
#dawsoncreek #hospital #northernhealth
Missing 18 year old woman, Kaydence Gray.
Global News BC: ‘Ash beginning to fall’: Tumbler Ridge family evacuates due to B.C. wildfire #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #WestKiskatinawRiverwildfire #TumblerRidgefamily #BCWildfireService #BcEvacuation #TumblerRidge #BCwildfires #DawsonCreek #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #westkiskatinawriverwildfire #tumblerridgefamily #bcwildfireservice #bcevacuation #tumblerridge #BCwildfires #dawsoncreek #fire
Global News BC: Summer-like conditions in B.C.’s Interior topple temperature records, worsen flooding #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #temperaturerecordsbrokeninB.C. #EnvironmentCanada #PuntziMountain #DawsonCreek #springflood #BCFlooding #Flooding #Okanagan #Whistler #Weather #osoyoos #Golden
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #temperaturerecordsbrokeninb #EnvironmentCanada #PuntziMountain #dawsoncreek #springflood #BCFlooding #flooding #okanagan #whistler #Weather #osoyoos #golden
Global News BC: ‘Protect the citizens’: Groups plan B.C. rallies to demand government act on crime #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NanaimoAreaPublicSafetyAssociation #BCpublicsafetyraillies #RepeatOffenders #BCpublicsafety #Nanaimorally #PrinceGeorge #PublicSafety #DawsonCreek #BCProtests #penticton #Politics #Kamloops #Victoria #Nanaimo #Surrey #Crime #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nanaimoareapublicsafetyassociation #bcpublicsafetyraillies #repeatoffenders #bcpublicsafety #nanaimorally #PrinceGeorge #publicsafety #dawsoncreek #bcprotests #penticton #politics #kamloops #victoria #nanaimo #surrey #crime #BC
“#DawsonCreek & District Hospital has the highest rate of hospital deaths after major surgery in #NorthernHealth at 5.3 per cent, while the #UniversityHospitalofNorthernBC located in #PrinceGeorge has a rate of 3.6 per cent. The best result is at #PrinceRupert Regional Hospital that has a rate of 1.5 per cent, sitting below the B.C. average of 1.8 per cent. The national rate is at two per cent, while Northern Health is at 3.3 per cent.”
#dawsoncreek #northernhealth #universityhospitalofnorthernbc #princegeorge #princerupert
Global News BC: B.C. man wanted for multiple sex offences, child pornography #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FortSt.Johnwantedman #DawsonCreekwanted #FortSt.JohnRCMP #AnthonyCollins #ArrestWarrant #BcMostWanted #DawsonCreek #FortSt.John #BCwanted #chetwynd #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #FortSt #dawsoncreekwanted #anthonycollins #arrestwarrant #bcmostwanted #dawsoncreek #bcwanted #chetwynd #crime
Global News BC: Grindr used to set up victims in three Dawson Creek, B.C. robberies, police say #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DatingapprobberiesDawsonCreek #DawsonCreekrobberies #Datingapprobberies #DatingapprobberyBC #DawsonCreekRcmp #BCrobberies #DawsonCreek #BCRCMP #Grindr #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #datingapprobberiesdawsoncreek #dawsoncreekrobberies #datingapprobberies #datingapprobberybc #dawsoncreekrcmp #bcrobberies #dawsoncreek #BCRCMP #grindr #crime
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 8.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp 6.73 Celcius
Wind Speed 3.6 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp -0.2 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -2.05 Celcius
Wind Speed 1.54 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 6.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp 2.03 Celcius
Wind Speed 9.77 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 3.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -1.79 Celcius
Wind Speed 9.26 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 2.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -3.1 Celcius
Wind Speed 9.26 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 6.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp 2.93 Celcius
Wind Speed 6.69 m/s
Weather few clouds
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp -1.2 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -1.2 Celcius
Wind Speed 1.03 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp -8.2 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -8.2 Celcius
Wind Speed 0 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap
#DawsonCreek #Weather #BCWeather #OpenWeatherMap
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Current Temp 0.8 Celcius
Feels Like Temp -0.9 Celcius
Wind Speed 1.54 m/s
Weather clear sky
#dawsoncreek #weather #bcweather #openweathermap