#30DaySongChallenge #Day10 a song that makes you sad
“Chi Mi Na Morbheanna / I’ve seen the great mountains” Mouth Music Talitha MacKenzie
Oh, I see, I see the great mountains
Oh, I see, I see the lofty mountains
Oh, I see, I see the corries
I see the peaks beneath the mist
I see, straight away, the place of my birth
I will be welcomed in a language which I understand
I will receive hospitality and love when I reach there
That I would not trade for a ton of gold
Aughost - Day 10 - Maze
#art #artwork #sketch #doodle #drawing #inking #illustration #cartoon #cartoonists #cartoonillustration #comics #comicstrip #gagcomic #gagcartoons #digitalart #ipadpro #clipstudiopaint #aughost #aughost2023 #day10 #maze #minotaur #ghost #labyrinth #minos #Funny #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Funny #minos #labyrinth #ghost #minotaur #maze #day10 #aughost2023 #aughost #clipstudiopaint #ipadpro #DigitalArt #gagcartoons #gagcomic #comicstrip #Comics #cartoonillustration #cartoonists #Cartoon #Illustration #inking #Drawing #doodle #Sketch #Artwork #Art
#Day10 concludes my summer research leave. I wrote the final blog post on my private website this time, summing up my experiences from the last ten days and the last ten years with a personal story and a statement of commitment to a project which has become a part of me: https://www.annikarockenberger.com/?p=1382 #EthicaComplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #AltAc #Academe #Ethics
#day10 #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #altac #academe #ethics
#30DaySongChallenge #ThirtyDaySongChallenge #kpop
#Day10 a song that makes you sad... sad is a bit...superficial to describe this song... there's a lot of feelings tied to it. I'll add a link to a Billboard article to this post that explains the song more...
I'm Fine Thank You by Ladies Code
#30daysongchallenge #thirtydaysongchallenge #kpop #day10
#inktober_chatgpt #day10 #umbrella
#umbrella #day10 #inktober_chatgpt
#Day10 of #30DayChartChallenge : Hybrid distribution
Number of farmers is decreasing in France, farm managers are also older
🔗to #Rstats code : https://github.com/BjnNowak/TidyTuesday/blob/main/SC_age.R
#day10 #30DayChartChallenge #rstats
#100DaysOfCode : #HTML #CSS #VanillaJS
#Day10 : View Transitions API
Online demo :
Source Code : https://github.com/teotimepacreau/View-Transitions-API-Day10-Of-100DaysOfCode
Project goal :
- View Transitions API experimentation : understanding principle of implementation with VanillaJS .startViewTransition and DOMChanges activator
#WebDev #Frontend #WebDesign #CodingChallenge #Javascript #LearnToCode #CodingDay #FrontendDevelopment #WebDevelopment #UIDesign #UITrend #CodingChallenge #LearnCode #LearningDaily
#learningdaily #learncode #uitrend #uidesign #webdevelopment #frontenddevelopment #codingday #learntocode #javascript #codingchallenge #webdesign #frontend #webdev #day10 #vanillajs #css #html #100daysofcode
Today's #DailyDragon is a majestic creature from the Gothic Art era! #ValyrianTech #Day10 https://t.co/kNdcy5RH7h
#dailydragon #valyriantech #day10
Picture a place where it all doesn't hurt
Where everything's safe and it doesn't get worse, oh my
We see through bloodshot eyes
Picture a place, somewhere else far away
Where you know what they mean and they mean what they say to us
And would that be enough?
Today's #30MoreSongsChallenge #Day10 prompt, The Guilty Pleasure, seems a little controversial. Maybe I should have put it into quotes. I hoped that “I would never admit to listen to this” combined with publicly posting a song was clear enough about the ironic nature. I agree, though, that there shouldn’t be any shame about what music one likes.
Anyway, thanks again for taking the challenges, it's really fun to follow. :kirbyroll:
#30DaySongChallenge #Day10
»A Song that makes you sad«
That’s an easy one, unfortunately. There are dozens, but…
When my mom died in 2021, this band became my “soundtrack” for this tragic event. Half a year later I made the stupid mistake to try to talk about this in our yearly Twitch music recap. So I (and I’d been warned before), of course, started sobbing uncontrollably in my own live stream.
Still a punch in the gut
🎵 Fontaines D.C. – A Lucid Dream
#TootRadio #day10 #30daysongchallenge
Ooopsies-forgot to post about #Day10 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment yesterday. I was working on my app again, making some good progress. Specifically, I found a good way to extend Color to conform to Codable by storing the string representation of its CIColor value. Something that had bothered me for days now 🎉😀
#DAY10 A song that makes you sad
Bruce #Springsteen – The River
#springsteen #day10 #30daysongchallenge
So, working on the Readlist screen an running on a #linux PC (thanks to #multiplatform #flutter ) I realize the Modal bottom sheet for details of the book was broken in small screen devices, and after like 3 hours I could fix it, what a #day10 of #100daysofcode
#linux #multiplatform #flutter #day10 #100daysofcode
I will join #HumpDayQandA for the #Day10 of the #17DaysOfFlutter! See you there in couple of minutes!
RT @FlutterComm
Join in 30 minutes! @devangelslondon @scottstoll2017 @randalschwartz for #HumpdayQandA LIVE with @imafiguresk8r and @salihgueler to answer your #Flutter and #Dart questions!
@FlutterDev @nlycskn
#humpdayqanda #day10 #17daysofflutter #Flutter #dart
A song that makes you sad: “Ahead By a Century” by The #TragicallyHip
Not because the song is sad (it’s bittersweet), but because it was theme song to #AnneWithAnE—series I binged when pandemic started & then they cancelled it after season 3, which was very disappointing.
“First thing we'd climb a tree
And maybe then we'd talk
Or sit silently
And listen to our thoughts
With illusions of someday
Cast in a golden light
No dress rehearsal
This is our life”
#30daysongchallenge #day10 #TragicallyHip #annewithane
#30DaySongChallenge day 10: A song that makes you sad.
I nearly forgot this because I haven't heard it for a while. I think this is the ultimate sad song for me, though. Gut-wrenching, spine-tingling awesomeness. Younger me used to listen to it endlessly on repeat, as I was a right miserable git. But one with taste. 😁
#30daysongchallenge #PearlJam #AlternativeMusic #grunge #90s #1990s #sad #day10
#documentando2023 #fotodeldía #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #año2023 #documentinglife #day10 #dia10 #picoftheday #onepictureaday en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires https://www.instagram.com/p/CnR9P83uy1D/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#documentando2023 #fotodeldia #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #ano2023 #documentinglife #day10 #dia10 #picoftheday #onepictureaday