#30DaySongChallenge #Day22
Stuck In A Moment by U2
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
And if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along the stony paths
It's just a moment
This time will pass
#30daysongchallenge #day22 #asongthatmovesyouforward
#30DaySongChallenge #Day22
Beautiful Day by U2
#30daysongchallenge #day22 #asongthatmovesyouforward
#30DaySongChallenge #Day22
Any #Sensates out there?
#Sense8 ROCKED. And taught me #NetflixIsEvil
4 Non Blondes (and Sense8 cast)
What’s Up? “
#30daysongchallenge #day22 #asongthatmovesyouforward #bonustrack #sensates #sense8 #netflixisevil
Day 22:
Best *SECONDHAND* RPG purchase?
Hmmm... Earthdawn 2nd Edition für Fünf Euro in perfektem Zustand :D zB.
Aber auch die ersten beiden Bände der Age of Mortals Campaign. Der letzte Band fehlt noch, aber die Preise für 20 Jahre alte Dragonlance-Abenteuer sind echt unverschämt... Die ersten beiden lesen sich halt grandios. Nicht "best" im Sinne von "günstig". Da schweigen wir lieber...
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #day22 #ttrpg #pnpde
@Dionysus @Turgon @Glgnfz @gorobar @Morgunin @pasuht
Day 22:
Best *SECONDHAND* RPG purchase?
Probably the Classic Traveller edition of "Murder on Arcturus Station" (Traveller Adventure 11), already mentioned a few days earlier.
#RPGaDAY #RPGaDAY2023 #Day22 #ttrpg #pnpde #BestSecondHandPurchase #ClassicTraveller
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #day22 #ttrpg #pnpde #bestsecondhandpurchase #ClassicTraveller
#100DaysOfCode : #HTML #CSS #VanillaJS
#Day22 : Microblog
Online demo :
Source Code : https://github.com/teotimepacreau/Callback-blog-Day22-Of-100DaysOfCode
Project goals :
- use of callbacks, split string method, Map array method, Object.assign method
#WebDev #Frontend #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #CodingDay #FrontendDevelopment #UIDesign #UITrend #DailyUI #CodingChallenge #LearnCode #WebDevelopment #LearnJavascript #JS #DailyUI
#js #learnjavascript #webdevelopment #learncode #codingchallenge #dailyui #uitrend #uidesign #frontenddevelopment #codingday #learntocode #javascript #learnwebdev #webdesign #frontend #webdev #day22 #vanillajs #css #html #100daysofcode
For #Day22 of #30DayChartChallenge (Time Series X Green energy) a #DataViz about plant biomass evaluation by🛰️images
🔗#RStats code https://github.com/BjnNowak/TidyTuesday/blob/main/SC_NDVI.R
#day22 #30DayChartChallenge #dataviz #rstats
부석순 (SEVENTEEN) '파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지)'
반복되는 하루에
시작이 되는 이 노래
네 옆에서 불러주겠어
힘내야지 뭐 어쩌겠어
要加油呀 還能怎麼辦呢
파이팅 해야지 파이팅 해야지
要加油呀 要加油呀
Don’t give it up Never give it up yeah
파이팅 해야지 파이팅 해야지
要加油呀 要加油呀
#Day22 hey humans! —> MONEY and TOUGH situations shows who people really are. Usually, its said that money changes people. But In reality, inner shades of people comes out then. Did any of you trade your own weekness/curse/drawback? in benefit of you. —saaya ojas.
#DAY22 A song that moves you forward
Vorwärts?? Nach Nirgendwo!?!
Therapy? - Nowhere
I'm really close to finish the MVP just missing a little tweaks but every day of #100daysofcode gets me closer. today, #day22 i finished a base navigation drawer with the user info, logout and about options.
I'm Workin on a drawer to have extra options for the user but I'm not really happy with the UI result, need to take more inspiration from dribbble or somewhere else
#day22 #100daysofcode #flutter
@gregolear uncanny that a few days ago I chose Simon & Garfunkel’s “I Am A Rock” for my #day22 (song from the year I was born) in my #30daysongchallenge thread and there you go working that song into your Sunday essay. LOL. This universe is so small & involved. Thanks for sharing your insights & discoveries.
A song that moves you forward:
Wash Your Face In My Sink - Dream Warriors
“The attempt of an attempt well tried
Well your side tried
But my side will never be denied
Cause I'm swinging it stinging neglection
With an injection of truth
I've come to untwist the twisted youth
How does it feel now that I've got you all to think?
Yeah, and wash your face in my sink”
#30DaySongChallenge day 22: A song that moves you forward.
'Moves you forward' is open to interpretation, I think, but let's go for this:
Another awesome bassline (sampled from People's Choice). Also, watching this video makes me happy.
#JungleBrothers #HipHop #GoldenAge #house #1980s #80s #Day22
#30daysongchallenge #junglebrothers #hiphop #goldenage #house #1980s #80s #day22
#documentando2023 #fotodeldía #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #año2023 #documentinglife #day22 #dia22 #picoftheday #onepictureaday en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnw7Mb-ue9v/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#documentando2023 #fotodeldia #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #ano2023 #documentinglife #day22 #dia22 #picoftheday #onepictureaday
#pattoneveryday #2023 #mikepatton #day22
Mr Bungle Sweet Charity live
#day22 #mikepatton #pattoneveryday