I mean we’re gonna need a clown car for the #GOPNominees #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #gopnominees
Holy SHIT!!! Another #GOP nomination?! #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #gop
Sidebar: I wonder if I could lie my way into the House like #Santos? #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #Santos
So with the plantation House in shambles I figured I would say now what a problem #RepSpartz has been for the #GOP I wonder if they will see it before the field hands get away? 🫤 #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #gop #repspartz
Ok so I hope I’m hearing things BUT did Gaetz just vote for Trump?? #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote
How this nigga know what the lord said?! #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote
Can I be honest with y’all? I’m willing to take reparations in the form of the Dems throwing their votes behind #RepDonald just to spite McCarthy and his white supremacy agenda. #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #repdonald
Double the amount of Black Republicans?! So there’s 4 now? I’ve lost count there’s so many!!! 🙄🙄 #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote
Wow I didn’t know they had step n fetchits in the HOUSE. Ok *writes that down* #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote
The way #Santos moves through the chamber floor is very narc ish he’s definitely a plant. I mean his credentials say it all. #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote #Santos
House of fun mirrors is back in session to waste time and money. #Day3Vote #speakerofthehouse #BlackMastodonCaucus
#blackmastodoncaucus #speakerofthehouse #day3vote