#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day40 : Added unsubscription logic and SQL handling in Newsletter Express project
Source Code : https://github.com/teotimepacreau/Express-Newsletter
Added :
- Unsubscription logic : Create a route for users to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Update the database accordingly.
Learned :
-async await handling of errors in Express, require to try catch and next to a middleware
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day40 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js
My #day40 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge
A song I like from a genre I usually don't like
I don't like Techno - actually I hate it. It makes me aggressive and I think it's plain stupid. In case I can't turn it off I really need to leave. So no song here ...
It's #30MoreSongsChallenge time!
#Day40: „A song I like from a genre I usually don't like“
#ArtBlakey - Moanin' 🎷
#jazz #ArtBlakey #day40 #30moresongschallenge
#30MoreSongsChallenge #Day40: A song I like from a genre I usually don't like.
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, “Hoedown.” Fuck prog. Usually.
#Day40 – The Odd One
A song from a genre I usually don’t like
To quote @waywardSon :
"I really do not like hip hop or rap, but I do like this one... 🤫"
So here's a question: Wo sind meine Leute da draussen?
Fettes Brot - Da draussen
#fettesbrot #day40 #30moresongschallenge
#Day40 – The Odd One
A song from a genre I usually don’t like
I really do not like hip hop or rap, but I do like this one... 🤫
Falk, Das BO, Ferris Mc - Wer hätte das gedacht
#Falk #DasBO #FerrisMC #WerHaetteDasGedacht #DieNachtDerNächte
#dienachtdernachte #werhaettedasgedacht #ferrismc #DasBo #falk #day40 #30moresongschallenge
The Odd One
A song I like from a genre I usually don't like
#day40 (1/4/23) #day41 (1/5/23) #day42 (1/6/23) of my #cybersecurity journey:
Managed to finish the SQL Injections module and move forward in understanding Burp Suite. Also completed the Week 2 module for the Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking and move over to Week 3.
#day40 #day41 #day42 #cybersecurity