So #day5 🌅 is here and I can report that no grid electrons were harmed during #CCCamp23.
The #solarpower equipment used was an Ecoflow River 2 LiPOFe4 256Wh battery in conjunction with a 110W foldable solar panel. I rarely moved the panel. It was mostly placed flat on the ground at a spot where it could get sun most of the day.
The River 2 worked well I just wish for 1 or 2 more USB-C ports. Why is USB-A still a thing?
#DAY5: a song that needs to be played loud
“Miserlou” Dick Dale and the Deltones
(There’s another YouTube video w the band playing in 1963, it wasn’t until much much later I learned that a family friend played backup guitar for this band and I like that video for that reason. But it’s scratchy and I’d rather turn this up.)
Broncos' schedule for Day 5 of training camp
Broncos Wire
#TrainingCamp #BroncosBuzz #no_mcc #no_yhv #Timely #no_pt #no_yh #Day5
#trainingcamp #broncosbuzz #no_mcc #no_yhv #timely #no_pt #no_yh #day5
#30DaySongChallenge #ThirtyDaySongChallenge #kpop
#Day5 a song that needs to be played loud... I had a different song picked for this and then my mp3 player on random had different ideas during my drive to work this morning... lol...
Anthem by BI & Bobby
#30daysongchallenge #thirtydaysongchallenge #kpop #day5
#Day5 of my research leave ending with a blog post where I talk about some sources and references of the Ethica text, iced coffee, and fate! Enjoy!
#EthicaComplementoria #ResearchDataManagement #BookHistory #histodons
#day5 #ethicacomplementoria #researchdatamanagement #bookhistory #histodons
Rounding out day 2 of 3 of the Finley Dog Trials!
📍 Finley, New South Wales
📸 Canon 750D
[#Day5 of Gemma Peanut’s #PeanutPhotoChallenge]
#FinleyDogTrials2023 #FinleyDogTrials #dogtrials #sheepdogtrials #J #judging #eventing
#day5 #peanutphotochallenge #finleydogtrials2023 #finleydogtrials #dogtrials #sheepdogtrials #j #judging #eventing
It would be too predictable to choose #City as my #100HappyDays / #365HappyDays moment, I think. So I’m going to choose the thing that made me happy before that #today.
I’m back to being a #CatLady again I think, with the addition today of Kevin and Perrie to the household. #Day5 is all about #caturday and these two #kittens. 💙
#city #100happydays #365happydays #today #catlady #day5 #caturday #kittens
The national strike in Canada for more than 120,000 public servants fighting for fair wages continues #Day5 #PSAC #unionstrong #April25
#April25 #unionstrong #psac #day5
Another #ChronicPain chart for #day5 of #30DayChartChallenge: slope #rstats #dataviz. The Von Korff Grades Chronic Pain Scale measures chronic pain. The slope chart shows the four grades by gender. Grade I: low disability, low pain. Grade II: high disability, low pain. Grade III: high disability, moderately limiting pain. Grade IV: high disability, severely limiting pain.
#dataviz #rstats #30DayChartChallenge #day5 #chronicpain
Who feeds the world? #Day5 of #30DayChartChallenge is about slopes so here are two lines to compare the number of farms and the area occupied by small and large farms
#RStats code
#day5 #30DayChartChallenge #rstats
Check out today's #DailyDragon, a cubist take on the mythical creature! #ValyrianTech #Day5
#dailydragon #valyriantech #day5
#100DaysOfCode : #HTML #CSS #GSAP #JS
#Day5 : Text landing animation and variable font
Le projet est à retrouver sur :
Code source :
Goals :
- word / line animation coming from bottom with opacity handled with GSAP fundamentals
- variable font discovery
smooth transition playing with the weight of the font and the color on title
#WebDev #Frontend #WebDesign #CodingChallenge #Javascript #LearnToCode #CodingDay #FrontendDevelopment #Code
#code #frontenddevelopment #codingday #learntocode #javascript #codingchallenge #webdesign #frontend #webdev #day5 #js #Gsap #css #html #100daysofcode
“A song that needs to be played loud”
Going with my first intuition here, and with the heavy guitars.
Runners-up: Foo Fighters – Everlong; Kyuss – Gardenia; a little odd, but: Wanda – Bologna.
🎵 At The Drive-In – Arcarsenal
💿 Relationship of Command (2000)
#TootRadio #music #AtTheDriveIn #PostHardcore #WeAreTheRadio
#wearetheradio #posthardcore #atthedrivein #Music #TootRadio #day5 #30daysongchallenge
Grey shadows lengthen
As the morning Sun rises
The city wakes, yawning
Photography by Ashraful Arefin on Fstoppers
#nahaiwrimo #morning #haiku #day5 #poetry
Here's another
#Day5 A song that needs to be played loud
An unconventional one... A minor track from the Music for the Masses album that never had a single release, but has been remixed many times by some great producers and DJ's
This is the Justin Straus remix and if you don;t like it and refuse to play it loud... There's something wrong with you IMHO 😜
Play bass cranked in the car & windows open
#30daysongchallenge #day5 #DepecheMode #nothing #justinstraussremix