On #Day500 of #Russia ’s war on #Ukraine, video of President #Zelenskyy paying tribute to the fallen soldiers at the recaptured #SnakeIsland. A testament or reminder:
1. Of Zelenskyy’s bravery and compassion for his soldiers
2. That Russia does not have air or sea superiority over Ukraine
3. That Ukraine does not have a navy, and the UAF were able to get him there and back safely.
#ukraine #russia #day500 #zelenskyy #SnakeIsland #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
On #Day500 of #Russia ’s war on #Ukraine, video of President #Zelenskyy paying tribute to the fallen soldiers at the recaptured #SnakeIsland. A testament or reminder:
1. Of Zelenskyy’s bravery and compassion for his soldiers
2. That Russia does to have air or sea superiority over Ukraine
3. That Ukraine does not have a navy, and the UAF were able to get him there and back safely.
#day500 #SnakeIsland #ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #russia #zelenskyy #StandWithUkraine