Julian stands as a marker for what real journalism is - sharing the truth to hold the powerful accountable.
But if he is silenced, all of us are silenced.
Keep up to date with all the latest details for the #DayX protest and spread the word!
Two Kilometers of Water Pipeline Sabotaged at Schleenhain Open Pit Mine in Germany
#DirectAction #DayX #Sabotage
Via @Nae_Midion
✌️Riseup4Roajva aktiv in Thessaloniki – “#DayX is Now” und wir rufen alle auf, dementsprechend zu handeln!
In der Stadt #Thessaloniki haben sich Internationalistinnen und Internationalisten des Riseup4Rojava-Netzwerkes in Griechenland mit einer Banner-Aktion mit dem Freiheitskampf Kurdistans solidarisiert. Die Aktion die bereits am 9. Januar stattfand, wurde im Gedenken an die Şehîds des Pariser Massakers vom 9. Januar 2013 durchgeführt.
#dayX #Thessaloniki #riseup4rojava
The #farright problem of #Germany continues to be extremely worrying. Recently police have found another right wing group plotting to takeover the German State, originating from the #reichsburger movement.
Fascist terrorist groups are getting real serious, often with professional training since a lot of police and millitary personnel are involved.
#farright #germany #reichsburger #fascism #deutschland #dayX
Deployment of Islamist & jihadist gangs, psychological warfare, targeted killings, terror: Turkey is using a wide range of military tools in Rojava to weaken the freedom movement, to demoralize & ultimately drive out the population.
Everyone must understand that while we call for preparations for #DayX, the start of another major Turkish offensive, the war in #Rojava continues. Day by day..
via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com #Rojava
RT @YPJ_volunteers@twitter.com
🚨Tonight 🚨
🎬 Release of our common declaration with @YpgInt@twitter.com, containing:
🌹our promise to avenge the assassination of Jiyan, Roj & Barîn
💣 our analysis on Turkey's Low Intensity Warfare against #Rojava
✊ our call-out to the world not to wait for #DayX but take action now
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YPJ_volunteers/status/1551899191571615744
RT @AntifaPinneberg@twitter.com
Day X: A military officer, a faked refugee identity and an alleged far-right assassination plot intended to bring down the Federal Republic of Germany. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/19/podcasts/far-right-german-extremism.html A Podcast by @nytimes@twitter.com
from @kbennhold@twitter.com @lynsea@twitter.com @claretoenis@twitter.com @mbeditor@twitter.com. #Antifa #NoNazis #DayX