Nothing like going into the Minetta Tavern at 3pm to inspire one to get their day drinking on. #DayDrinking #ALotOfPeopleAtTheBar
#daydrinking #alotofpeopleatthebar
Spring is here, the patio is set up, and the bar is open. #Spring #Springtime #Patio #StarWars #DarthVader #BobaFett #StarWarGlass #DayDrinking
#spring #springtime #patio #starwars #darthvader #bobafett #starwarglass #daydrinking
Time to cope. #CopingMechanism #Alcohol #VodkaTonic #VodkaAndTonic #DayDrinking
#copingmechanism #alcohol #vodkatonic #vodkaandtonic #daydrinking
The only good part about paying too much for food and drink in an airport: the social contract for when is too early to order a drink does not exist.
Also: #Phoenix #SkyHarbor #airport has some excellent local food options. Over priced, for sure. But tasty.
#phoenix #skyharbor #airport #daydrinking #travel
What do you suppose it means when a young woman comes into a bar, orders and finishes a glass of wine, and then leaves, all within ten minutes?
This isn’t a wine bar. She wasn’t having lunch. I don’t even think she sat down. She just needed a glass of wine in the middle of the day.
I’ve been that person. It wasn’t healthy.
Wer guckt denn gleich #sixnations mit mir? #SCOvFRA #rugby #daydrinking
#sixnations #scovfra #rugby #daydrinking
Enjoying a #beer this #afternoon that's rarely ~spotted~ 😏
in #colorado .
Getting primed for some #brewery beers later #cheers #daydrinking
#beer #afternoon #colorado #brewery #cheers #daydrinking
Let the weekend begin. #daydrinking #daydrinkingagain #friday #vodkatonic
#daydrinking #daydrinkingagain #friday #vodkatonic
Out to brunch. 3 of 3
#Insects #Insecta #DayDrinking #CivilizedMunchies #LetsBeSeen #Brunch #Brunchtime #MimosasAreAMust #Nectar #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#insects #insecta #daydrinking #civilizedmunchies #letsbeseen #brunch #brunchtime #mimosasareamust #nectar #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Out to brunch. 2 of 3
#Insects #Insecta #DayDrinking #CivilizedMunchies #LetsBeSeen #Brunch #Brunchtime #MimosasAreAMust #Nectar #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#insects #insecta #daydrinking #civilizedmunchies #letsbeseen #brunch #brunchtime #mimosasareamust #nectar #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Out to brunch. 1 o f 3
#Insects #Insecta #DayDrinking #CivilizedMunchies #LetsBeSeen #Brunch #Brunchtime #MimosasAreAMust #Nectar #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#insects #insecta #daydrinking #civilizedmunchies #letsbeseen #brunch #brunchtime #mimosasareamust #nectar #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
It’s the perfect weather today to sit on the tailgate of an old truck, getting day drunk and watching your Beloved give your car an oil change while barefoot. #FalseSpring #DayDrinking #TrailerParkRoots #HondaNamedBertie
#falsespring #daydrinking #trailerparkroots #hondanamedbertie
This afternoon’s #beer brings back one of my favorite memories from our trip to #Belgium in September - getting Hoegaardens and fresh squeezed orange juice in the train station in #Brussels and enjoying beermosas on the morning train ride to #Bruges . Wish I was there again.
#beer #belgium #brussels #bruges #daydrinking
Had a medical checkup and the doctor very pragmatically said I’ll have less issues if I don’t drink alcohol in the evening. What a very pragmatic and non-judgmental way to formulate that 🙃 #DayDrinking #FollowableMedicalAdvice
#daydrinking #followablemedicaladvice
@cubscoutxl and I decided to head out to the Sidetrack onesie party for New Year’s Day. #onesies #UnionSuit #daydrinking
#onesies #UnionSuit #daydrinking