Nothing like a single point of failure. #Office365 MFA backend down at #dayjob , might as well call it a day.
Literally nothing works.
Phones, email, teams, sharepoint, all of it.
I hate technology.
@perry_mitchell as someone who uses terraform extensively for my #dayjob and has a three node #Proxmox cluster in their #homelab - Terraform+Proxmox==bad time.
The most popular provider is developed by a for-profit prison company, and none of the Terraform providers that I have found deal well with cluster rebalancing - they all develop amnesia and think all of your VMs need to be redeployed.
You may want to look at #Ansible for workload provisioning in Proxmox. It's not perfect, but it's ok.
#dayjob #proxmox #homelab #ansible
When the table seems to have all the data in it...but the logic doesn't make sense... Try to fruitlessly rejigger the logic or kick it to a pull request and let it be someone else's problem?
When you try to compile your class and VS tells you that you have it open for editing already...
@gamingonlinux my controversial opinion? Linux is easier to use as a desktop os than Mac and Windows.
The Mac part is controversial with my #Dayjob teammates.
Opened up a 1954 copy of "Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Guide to Etiquette" to find this.
I guess everyone needs a day job.
#andywarhol #illustations #dayjob
Nice #cynical post about being an #artist and having a #dayJob
In which I discovered #JohnCage used to subsidise his career as #musician by foraging mushrooms and truffles for posh #newYork restaurants 🤯
#cynical #artist #dayjob #johncage #musician #newyork
She's got that after-work glow... Sometimes I'm a freshly showered latte sipping bourgeois laptop worker publishing four episodes a day... And sometimes Im actually making money. No shame in the author game. It's cutthroat out there. #writerlife #dayjob
For the first time all week, I tested some code and it worked, and now I don't know what to do with myself.
So so good:
#art #artists #dayjob
Ottimo e interessante articolo.
Da notare che un buon caffè, dalla terza torrefazione italiana (mica trovato sotto i ponti!) si compra, tranquillamente, in grani, a 4 €/kg mentre in quei negozi lo vendono, insieme a tonnellate di scatoline di plastica, ad almeno 70 €/kg.
Vanbè l'esperienza, però esagerano... (e io non dovrei parlare, causa #dayJob, ma tant'è).
1. I wore my "Don't just fly, soar!" Dumbo dress today. My Disney dresses make me ridiculously happy.
2. My itinerary for a #dayjob business trip to #Boston is finally set; I'm speaking during a conference that is part of #Biotech Week.
3. I'm on PTO next week, heading to #NewOrleans for a writer's conference (I'm on two panels and doing a book signing).
#3goodthings #dayjob #boston #biotech #neworleans
Part-Time or Full-Time Self-Published Author? What Does it Take? #runningabusiness #writingfull-time #Debate&Opinion #authorpreneur #part-time #balance #dayjob
#runningabusiness #writingfull #debate #authorpreneur #part #balance #dayjob
Welp, the only thing that kept me from quitting #dayjob on the spot today was that I’m off for the next two weeks, so HAPPY FRIDAY Y’ALL
#WritingWonders 5/4: MC's #DayJob
Morgan Cooper is an Adversary. The Adversaries are an order of attorneys at war (or knights in Satan's service) sworn to expose and prosecute all forms of tyranny, from murder and rape down to wage theft. Whether you're the Pope or the assistant manager of a Cat in a Box in East Bumblefuck one of them will come after you.
It's work Morgan believes in, and it pays well, but it's also a cover for dirtier work that he gets stuck with because he isn't quite human.
Love it when #dayjob tweaks the authentication timeout on apps (all with different timeouts) and I seem to spend whole days authenticating to things