Ladies and gentlemen, I have finally converted the last clock in the house over to daylight savings, using the screwdriver I left next to it when I converted it to standard time last November.
It’s a complete pain in the *ss to change because it’s from 1904 and therefore older than any effort to implement DST.
clocks #DST #daylightsavings
The clocks are gone forward for the summer . #daylightsavings . Most people don’t want bi-annual #clockchange , so we must keep up the fight & Ir. should support it’s ending as well. @FineGael @EPPGroup @europarl_en .We’ll press next @EU_Commission to act swiftly.
Our 20 Minutes A Day, free live online meditation sessions, are anchored in the SE Australian time zone. As folk in the northern hemisphere move into summer time our session times will change for those outside SE Australia.
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #mind
#thebigsit #freemeditation #mentalfitness #wellbeing
#happiness #selflove #mentalhealth #inspiration
#headspace #tranquility #soulsearch #summertime #wintertime #daylightsavings
#meditation #mindfulness #mindful #mind #thebigsit #freemeditation #mentalfitness #wellbeing #happiness #selflove #mentalhealth #inspiration #headspace #tranquility #soulsearch #summertime #wintertime #daylightSavings
@acbilson @KTElliottMicro But we heroically SAVED daylight! How would daylight survive w/o us?!?
S.623: #SunshineProtectionAct passed Senate last year but not House. Currently being re-introduced.
30+ states have proposals to end #DST but states can’t enact w/o approval of Congress. Not a priority for Congress; they instead must investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop and do other things equally vital to our country’s well being. 🙄
#DaylightSavings #SpringForward
#sunshineprotectionact #dst #daylightSavings #springforward
My brain today... #daylightsavingstime #daylightsavings #writerslife #IShouldBeWriting
#daylightsavingstime #daylightSavings #writerslife #ishouldbewriting
🕰️ Don’t forget to reset your clocks before you hit the sack. #springforward #daylightsavings
#springforward #daylightSavings
No 2:01 AM tonight.
We jump straight to 3:00 AM Sunday for those oppressed by the Daylight Savings.
#DaylightHourMurder #DaylightSavings #DST
#daylighthourmurder #daylightSavings #dst #est #cst #mst #pst #edt #CdT #mdt #pdt #daylightsavingstime
Just had my first DST calendar screw up of the year. Reminder to all those working in distributed companies - US #DaylightSavings starts this weekend, but the UK doesn't change until two weeks later.
Result: we're an hour closer to our North American friends for a couple of weeks! #Timezones #SpringForward
#daylightSavings #timezones #springforward
West coast of North America - let's talk about the time change? Love it or hate it?
I hate it - let's just all pick one and stay on it all year! Daylight saving time would be nice all year so it's not dark heading home from work, but really either is fine as long as we stop changing the clocks twice a year!
And... go! :)
#time #dst #pacifictime #daylightSavings #timechange
Just told the kids to start wrapping up before bed and then realized - it is 5:45pm. #daylightSavings #DarkDays #WinterDays
#daylightSavings #darkdays #winterdays
#daylightSavings makes very little difference in my home. Most of the clocks are still flashing 12:00 😎😂