For the last maybe 10 years Iāve been using a journaling app called #DayOne as a diary. As times goes on it's really interesting to see what happened "on this day 8 years agoā. Learned recently of a new app called #Daylio and have checked it out. I don't think it'll replace DayOne for me, but Daylio is mostly free and has some improvements over DO so I thought y'all might like to know about it. It's better than DO as it's possible to "microjournal" with it. You can just choose your mood from 5 options, and then there are sections for things like health, social, chores etc. So in 10 sec you could click on Good, and then Cooking, Gym, Movies and tv, and that's it. You can also add full notes like a real diary if you want, along with photos, and it also has a goal tracker and comprehensive stats per day. I really like it. For instance, today I just chose good, coffee, dishes.
Daylio is, DayOne is
#dayone #daylio #dailyjournal #diary #journal #iOSApp
- I used to use #Scrivener for everything but found it too be clunky for some stuff. Now I use it mainly for writing and research notes while I use #OneNote for todos and general ideas and #DayOne as a diary (I also use #DayOne for other journaling.) All 3 apps are also on iOS so it makes it easy to write.
- I still carry a paper journal! While the apps are on my iOS devices, sometimes inspiration strikes and I write faster than I can type on a device.
#writerdons #writingcommunity #amwriting #dayone #onenote #scrivener
T****'s list of things he said would be "so easy" to fix "on #DayOne" (2016):
o Repeal & Replace #ObamaCare with something "better & cheaper that covers everyone."
o Declare China a "currency manipulator" as part of their "unfair trade practices" with the U.S..
o "Build a Wallā¢" on our Southern Border "and Mexico will pay for it."
o "Ethics reforms" to "drain the swamp".
o renegotiate NAFTA.
o Invest $550B in "infrastructure".
o #LockHerUp for mishandling #ClassifiedDocs.
#Obamacare #lockherup #classifieddocs #dayone
Iām going to try to start journaling again. š
#journaling #journaldaily #dayone #dayonejournaling #daily #emotionsarehard #heavyemotions
#journaling #journaldaily #dayone #dayonejournaling #daily #emotionsarehard #heavyemotions
I'm all digital, but I love the concept so I gotta participate in #SquiggleBook. Here's my #DayOne.
I'm all digital, but I love the concept so I gotta participate in #SqiggleBook. Here's my #DayOne.
I'm all digital, but I love the concept so I gotta participate in #ScribbleBook. Here's my #DayOne.
@Curator Hmmm, not as bad as expected! I'm actually quite pleased with the ducks š¦
Im Sommer werde ich mich wieder ein wenig stƤrker um das Thema digitales #Journaling kĆ¼mmern. Ich benutze dafĆ¼r die plattformĆ¼bergreifende App #Diarium , da die via Nextcloud recht gut synct.
Der (Apple-) "Platzhirsch #DayOne fĆ¼hrt zu diesen Themen einen recht guten Blog mit Erfahrungsberichten. NĆ¼tzlich - auch wenn man eine andere App nutzt.
Just like #VivaldiBrowser #amazon don't #lie (I've never had a problem with them from #dayone )
#vivaldibrowser #amazon #lie #dayone
In the distance you can here DayOne scribbling furiously in their journals.
Appleās new journaling app turns your iPhone into a digital diary
#apple #journaling #iphone #dayone #wwdc23 #technews
finally get to punt #DayOne out of my life. #doublespace looks great and doesn't make me compromise on secure private storage so not going to miss it.
As a fan of #DayOne who doesnāt use it as much as I should, I have to admit the journaling app looks really interesting.
Just this weekend I was trying to capture both exercise and a location for an entry, and couldnāt find how in Day One (location, yes. Activity, no?). Canāt tell if it supports it and Iām just missing something, or what.
Iets meer dan een maand houd ik de #DayOne app bij. En die proefperiode premium had ik niet moeten doen. Want ik mis iedere keer wel wat premium-opties
Trying out the #dayone beta on #android, mostly for the purpose of evaluation on behalf of relatives, as I am quite happy with my own #obsidianmd setup.
Comic Book Shenanigans :)
#talismanMoney #mySpellsReallyWork #youreWelcomeWorld #TheAgeOfMythAndLegends #heroOlympics #HERAKLESdaemonPossession #DayONE
#dayone #heraklesdaemonpossession #heroolympics #theageofmythandlegends #yourewelcomeworld #myspellsreallywork #talismanmoney
I hope Day One will stay for a long time to come, I love my Day One ā¤ļø
Apple is rumored to release a new app this year related to journaling and life tracking. This is a testament to the growing interest in journaling and the many benefits it provides. We obviously believe in the value of writing and reflecting for personal growth and wellbeing, and weāre excited that Appleās efforts will promote the practice to a wider audience.
By Paul Mayne
I have a vacation to Vegas coming up in June and I decided that from May until the vacation, I am going to have a dry month with no alcohol.