#WritingWonders #DaySeven Name one sound and one scent in your MC’s worst nightmare
In Bethany’s nightmare she has no sense of smell. It’s as if the place she’s in doesn’t allow her that sense. She can only hear and see.
But she can’t see the face of the man with the booming voice arguing with her parents. For some reason she can’t turn her head and look in their direction.
She hears the words “fix it or start over,” which wouldn’t sound that bad except that she’s pretty sure they’re talking about her. She hopes it’s just a nightmare and not a lost memory seeping through into her dreams.
#AutismAdventCalendar #DaySeven
Wednesday 7th (sorry for the delay folks)
Do you often notice yourself masking your autistic symptoms as a way to fit in, almost subconsciously? When you do it, it can be really draining, so it is important to take breaks for masking. I recommend this every day, but especially today!
#autism #adhd #unmask #AdventCalendar #Christmas #Festive
#autismadventcalendar #dayseven #autism #adhd #unmask #adventcalendar #christmas #festive