I'm glad I played through the additional 4-5 missions after the credits rolled in #DaysGone. There was quite the surprise at the end 😳🧟♂️
#daysgone #videogame #gamer #playstation4
Working on a bit more #DaysGone. Even though I finished the main story there's a few more missions to complete.
#daysgone #playstation4 #videogame #gamer
Finished up #DaysGone. Great game! 🧟♂️
#daysgone #playstation4 #videogame #gamer #zombies
I've had a pretty good start to the day...I didn't make it out to the barn as early as I wanted because I was wide awake at 1am this morning but I did make it out there 🐴
Having a shower now, working on some #DaysGone, applying to jobs and then lunch and #DutchBros around 12:30 ☺️
https://www.wacoca.com/games/700043/ МЫ ИЗМЕНИМ ЭТОТ МИР🔥Days Gone (Жизнь после) #DaysGone #DAYSGONE #nimverto #nimvertoplay #PS4GAMES #survivalhorror #жизньпосле #нимверто #стрим #трансляция #хоррор
#daysgone #nimverto #nimvertoplay #ps4games #survivalhorror #жизньпосле #нимверто #стрим #трансляция #хоррор
Had a busy evening. Cleared out the bush in the front yard finally, parted out some older #Dell servers, played a little #DaysGone, cleaned up my H200i that I pulled apart the other day and had a nice shower.
Now relaxing and playing some #MinecraftDungeons with girlfriend.
#dell #daysgone #minecraftdungeons
https://www.wacoca.com/games/694518/ 【Days Gone/デイズゴーン】過ぎ去り日々を求めて。「心に蝋燭灯して。前を向いて生きる。」 #DaysGone #PS4GAMES #ゾンビゲーム #デイズゴーン #ポストアポカリプス #新人vtuber #男性Vtuber
#daysgone #ps4games #ゾンビゲーム #デイズゴーン #ポストアポカリプス #新人vtuber #男性vtuber
https://www.wacoca.com/games/689647/ 【Days Gone/デイズゴーン】過ぎ去り日々を求めて。「友の命のため、己が過去を振り切るため」 #DaysGone #PS4GAMES #ゾンビゲーム #デイズゴーン #ポストアポカリプス #新人vtuber #男性Vtuber
#daysgone #ps4games #ゾンビゲーム #デイズゴーン #ポストアポカリプス #新人vtuber #男性vtuber
I've updated any projects previously using Dependabot over to Renovate 🤖, sent out a bunch of calls for help in getting a job, listed a bunch of my aquarium stuff 🐟 for sale and had a little lunch 🍕. Taking a break and then perhaps playing some #DaysGone. 🎮
#daysgone #hireme #lookingforwork
Al nominarme @Dios_Campechano voy a indicar mis sagas/juegos que más me gustan:
1️⃣ #hollowknight
2️⃣ #madmax
3️⃣ #sagayakuza
4️⃣ #daysgone
5️⃣ #sagaslycooper
6️⃣ #sagabioshock
7️⃣ #sagaborderlands
Aún me dejo muchos, os lo iré enseñando cada viernes!
Sed buenos! :bun:
#hollowknight #madmax #sagayakuza #daysgone #sagaslycooper #sagabioshock #sagaborderlands
https://www.wacoca.com/games/684794/ Days Gone (4) ##GAMING #DaysGone #FirstPlaythrough #PS4GAMES #streaming
#gaming #daysgone #firstplaythrough #ps4games #streaming
I did a mission in #DaysGone where I had to save a little girl. At the end you realize she's been out in the wilds looking after herself for years. It's clear she's lost her parents and the voice actor did a great job of making me believe the character was real. It really tugged at my heart strings and the saddest part of all is tonally, it's completely inconsistent with the rest of the game. If they could've had the game like this it could've been a classic.
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
#daysgone #gaming #games #videogames
Well that was a rollercoaster. I just saved a little girl living by herself, hiding from the zombies.
Then, after saving the little girl and bringing her back to this supposed safe camp, the camp bitch said I was going soft because I complained they might put this kid to work!
If that wasn't bad enough, literally minutes later, some nobhead starting beating the girl to get her back to work and I couldn't even hit him!
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
#gaming #games #videogames #daysgone
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
[Morgan Freeman Voice] It was at this moment, he knew, he'd fucked up.
#daysgone #gaming #games #videogames
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
This is a bandage but as a British person, it just looks like bogroll to me.
#gaming #games #videogames #daysgone
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
#daysgone #gaming #games #videogames
I'm going to do something I don't tend to do. I'm going to ask for a Steam refund for a game after only 10 hours in. That's how underwhelmed I am by #DaysGone
I don't think I'll get it but here is to trying. If they refund I'll never play this again. If they don't, I'll probably try and persist with it but if there was literally any other game I was interested in right now, I'd play that.
It's nice that others have enjoyed this. Not for me, though.
🖥️ #Gaming
🕹️ #Games
🎮 #Videogames
#daysgone #gaming #games #videogames