#DaySix of my no alcohol pre-Vegas purge.
Friday would have been at least a $20-for-drinks night.
$55 for the Blackjack table.
What is your MC’s morning routine like?
Early on in her story, Bethany’s morning routine is pretty normal: trying her best to get out of bed without waking the cat or stepping on her rescued (and totally not stolen why would you even think that) EcoSquirrel, which has a special talent for always being underfoot; drinking some water; showering; brushing her teeth; dressing; gathering whichever books she wants to read today; and heading to school for the most important part of her morning routine.
She likes to get to school early so that she can spend some time in the pool before classes start. She might swim a little for exercise, but she mainly just floats under the surface and tries to remember her life before she came to this town. It’s a good place to think without being bombarded with all of the sights and sounds of the world. On a particularly good day she can remember a little bit more of her mother.
#WritingWonders #DaySix : What is your MC's morning routine like?
Depends what shift he is on.
For a long time he was on nights (8 til 8) when he worked the docks.
Then he would get up about 4 in the afternoon have something eat, read maybe listen to the radio or visit his wife in hospital before supper and roll call at 8pm.
Away from nights he enjoys a more normal sleep pattern, even if he fills his time in similar ways.
#WritingCommunity #WIP
#writingwonders #daysix #writingcommunity #wip
#AutismAdventCalendar #DaySix
Tuesday 6th
How are you? No seriously, how are you? It’s such a reflex to say “good thanks, you?” though this isn’t often the full picture. So, I challenge you to answer this question honestly next time you’re asked.
#autism #adhd #neurodiverse #Christmas #Festive #HowAreYou
#autismadventcalendar #daysix #autism #adhd #neurodiverse #christmas #festive #HowAreYou