🔮 We have come forward since #daytum or #pachube but still, basically, want to "see our dots on the map". Whether on foot or on bike, our ubiquitous data footprints are in space and time. It would be fun to combine #TTNmapper with #GPSart - the colour of the dots changing based on connectivity as you walk around the city.
Pictured: traces of bike journeys made with #Velotracker on #TheThingsNetwork & visualised using dføur
#daytum #pachube #ttnmapper #GPSart #velotracker #thethingsnetwork
Possibly the earliest we've ever turned the central heating on, but we turned the heat on tonight for a bit because it wasn't warm at home.
Or we're getting old with our skin thinning.
And now I need a daytum hashtag combined with a daytum category, Again excuse me testing in prod.
I'm testing my new daily data storage system, so need a post with a daytum hashtag. Excuse me here a bit.