Good morning and welcome to that most Scottish of things, our bonus #DayWithANameInIt 6.
The frost is on the ground, the sun is on the rise and there is still some leftovers to finish.
Gaun yersels.
#BunnyRabbits emerging bright and early on #DayWithANameInIt 5, the start of a whole new orbit of our planet around the sun, as defined by some Pope or other.
They, as with so many since the pandemic upset the communal celebrations, have lost the knack of bothering to stay up for the arbitrary clock chime but nonetheless hope you enjoyed what you did and have a quality steak pie in your future.
#daywithanameinit #BunnyRabbits
Let joy be unbound! The endless grind of numberless days without names has ended!
Finally, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth it is here, #DayWithANameInIt 4.
Of course, being a Scottish derived day with a name in we're not so much interested in the day itself but what happens at the end and how much of tomorrow we miss.
Get yer lums ready, troops and may they reek like a Clyde Puffer come the time.
There are rumours in the cheese drawer that a proper #DayWithANameInIt may yet return. Meanwhile the rain continues to fall, the days continue on without names into an unknowable future and the outside world is but a distant nightmare hastily ignored.
There has never been a #DayWithANameInIt and anyone who says otherwise is an agent and must be reported. Thanks to the beneficence of Big Brother there is more chocolate and cheese than ever. There are no gaps in the fridge and every meal is nutritionally balanced.
Victory Gin for all and onwards to the final defeat of the year.
Good morning all from a wet Warrington and it's zippy fast chargers.
It's #DayWithANameInIt Epsilon Sigma / Apple when even the people stop having names.
The road goes ever on and on. May you find a free loo at a services.
Good morning, it's #DayWithANameInIt 74+i9.
There are no more names. We have entered the between times and only if we navigate carefully through them, never leaving the path or eating something healthy will we find those named days once more.
Pray for anyone putting the bin out.
Morning all and welcome to #DayWithANameInIt 3. The great god Johnny Mammon returns from his day of battling the evils of peace, love and a sneaky mid-afternoon nap to restart Capitalism in a blaze of limited time deals.
Ignore those leftovers and the ten pints of milk in the fridge and get back shopping. It's for the good of the economy.
Happy #DayWithANameinIt 2. May the mythical Elf employee have visited and supplied you with something lovely. I got a Midge badge. 👍
Its the day where Capitalism takes a pause as the year turns. If you believe really hard then Johnny Mammon will restart the economy tomorrow.
Good morning to you all and welcome to #DayWithANameInIt 1. It's the day where Capitalism prepares for the turning of the year with one last push, insisting you must fight your fellow human for the last novelty hors d'oeuvres in the shop before capitalism shuts down forever.
May you suffer no black eyes, may your fridge take the weight and may you spend so much that Johnny Mammon relents and allows Capitalism to return at some point.