Now spinning at my house, the most wondrous eccentric synthpop album of my youth:
#DazzleShips, by Orchestral Manoevres In The Dark #OMD, from 1983...ecstatic tunes about telegraphs & genetic engineering & radio waves & telescopes, layered with Eastern Bloc radio broadcasts & abstract electronics...yes!
Somerville, Massachusetts.
Happy 40th anniversary to OMD’s single, “Telegraph”. Released this week in 1983. #OMD #orchestralmanoeuvresinthedark #petersaville #dazzleships #DS40 #telegraph
#omd #OrchestralManoeuvresintheDark #petersaville #dazzleships #ds40 #telegraph
#OMD haben bei Twitter drüben den Hashtag #DS40 in Beschlag genommen. Das liegt daran, weil deren Meisterwerk #DazzleShips heute 40 Jahre alt wird. Im #uhleblog habe ich darüber geschrieben. Lang und breit.
#OMD #ds40 #dazzleships #uhleblog
Happy 40th anniversary to OMD’s album, ‘Dazzle Ships’. Released this week in 1983. #omd #orchestralmanoeuvresinthedark #petersaville #dazzleships #DS40 #geneticengineering #telegraph
#omd #OrchestralManoeuvresintheDark #petersaville #dazzleships #ds40 #geneticengineering #telegraph
40 years ago today, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark released their fourth studio album, Dazzle Ships (1983). #OrchestralManoeuvresintheDark #OMD #DazzleShips #80s #80smusic #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80smusic #80s #dazzleships #omd #orchestralmanoeuvresinthedark