ICYMI: There will be an awesome talk in a couple of minutes.
@Jpomfret will talk about #dbatools and how to manage #replication with them.
Make your #DBA life easier
/cc @dbatools
#dbatools #replication #DBA #sqlserver #powershell
What's your favorite method to install #sqlserver Standard gui? Command line with config file? #powershell Dsc? #dbatools. What's your weirdest? My favorite is #ansible.
#sqlserver #powershell #dbatools #ansible
#DBATools Does anybody know if you can use applicationintent=readonly with Copy-DbaDbTableData? It looks like you'd have to use invoke-dbaquery and write it, but it's multi-gb of data so I'd rather not buffer it. Doesn't look like the sqlinstance param can use connection strings but I'm not positive #SQLServer
New version of DBA Dash is available ๐
Making use of the build reference provided by #dbatools to display patching status in relation to the current builds that are available.
#opensource monitoring tool for #sqlserver
#dbatools #opensource #sqlserver
This is a brief post about how to fix "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" error when using @dbatools
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell #dbatools
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell #dbatools
@dansup @darnell @gabek @syuilo @Gargron @owncast
One thing I would love to see more projects do is label some of the low priority but simple issues as a good first issue. You can see that here on the #dbatools repo. That gives people curious about contributing a good place to start and get their feet wet.
I'm a #sqlserver #DBA, I don't know #php. When looking at the issues list, I don't even know where I'd begin. A label would help with that.
#dbatools #sqlserver #dba #php
Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution now supports auto-scheduling of Ola Hallengren's agent jobs! Read more on @cl's blog #dbatools #sqlserver #powershell https://blog.netnerds.net/2023/05/install-dbamaintenancesolution-now-supports-auto-scheduling/
#dbatools #sqlserver #powershell
After 5 months of hard work, #dbatools 2.0 is finally here! Tons of improvements (and a few breaking changes). You can read more on GitHub #PowerShell #SQLServer
#dbatools #powershell #sqlserver
If you are looking for an easy way to download the current CU for SQL Server that also includes the CU number in the filename, take a look at my Get-CU.ps1 help script: https://github.com/andreasjordan/demos/blob/master/dbatools/Get-CU.ps1
#SQLServer #PowerShell #dbatools
#sqlserver #powershell #dbatools
Get-DbaAgentJob -sqlinstance $sqlinstance |
? nextrundate -lt $(get-date).addminutes(15) |
? nextrundate -gt $(get-date) |
select name, nextrundate
#Powershell to show what #sqlserver agent jobs are running in the next 15 minutes, using the #dbatools module
#powershell #sqlserver #dbatools
Just updated and tested my automated lab for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups: It works with #SQLServer 2022 and #dbatools 2.0.0-preview1 using #PowerShell 7.3 on Windows.
If you have more ideas what to test in the scripts, feel free to add a comment.
#sqlserver #dbatools #powershell
Brent Ozar has released a small version of the StackOverflow database as a SQL Server 2022 backup. I like this database, but needed a version for #SQLServer 2019 - so I wrote a small script to downgrade the database using the #PowerShell module #dbatools: https://github.com/andreasjordan/demos/blob/master/dbatools/downgrade_database.ps1
#sqlserver #powershell #dbatools
Mark your calendars for NEXT Wednesday 6:30 EST. @HamptonRoadSSUG will be hosting ONLINE the 1 & Only @sqldbawithbeard as he teaches us about Automate your DBA tasks with #dbatools and #dbachecks. RSVP https://www.meetup.com/hampton-roads-sql-server-user-group/events/289646507/ #sqlserver #mvpbuzz
#mvpbuzz #sqlserver #dbachecks #dbatools
Any specific recommendations for a database GUI (supporting manually creating/deleting/copying/.... tables and records) for personal use? Looking for something similar to what Microsoft Access offers in terms of editing database and records, but working with different database back-ends (sqlite, AWS aurora serverless, GCP, Azure, ...)
#dbatools #sqlite #GUI #database
#dbatools #sqlite #gui #database
I migrated client's staging servers to SQL 2022 on Saturday. I have a PowerShell/SMO script to set compatibility level, but it didn't change it. Tried Set-DbaDbCompatibility from #DBATools, and it a) didn't support v16, but b) didn't change it when I tried v15. Had to use T-SQL to set it. Is the function to alter database properties in SMO broken now?
DBA Dash now has a Timeline view for your SQL Server agent jobs. It takes inspiration from #dbatools ConvertTo-DbaTimeline.
Free & open source monitoring for #sqlserver.
Because I used it just like this recently with a client, I'm sharing my blog article again here:
Using the #SQLServer First Responder Kit with the #PowerShell module #dbatools
#sqlserver #powershell #dbatools
Weil ich es genau so erst letztens bei einem Kunden genutzt habe, teile ich hier noch einmal meinen Blogartikel:
Mit dem #PowerShell Modul #dbatools das #SQLServer First Responder Kit nutzen
#powershell #dbatools #sqlserver
For two and a half years I've been part of the #dbatools development team - the #PowerShell module that every #SQLServer administrator should know and use. How it all began: https://blog.ordix.de/powershell-module-dbatools-to-manage-microsoft-sql-servers
#dbatools #powershell #sqlserver
Seit zweieinhalb Jahren bin ich Teil des Entwicklerteams der #dbatools - dem #PowerShell Modul, das jeder #SQLServer Administrator kennen und nutzen sollte. Wie alles begann: https://blog.ordix.de/vom-anwender-zum-entwickler
#dbatools #powershell #sqlserver