how do i change the top bar blur color change based on time? (blur my shell extension) #gnome #cron #gnomeshell #gnomeshellextension #dbus
#gnome #cron #gnomeshell #gnomeshellextension #dbus
Gaur #dbus -eko 37. zenbakiarekin Rodilerako azken bidaia egin duen gidariarentzat: mila esker jarritako musikagatik eta arretagatik. Sekula ez gara hain eroso eta gustura joan hain ibilbide motzean.
Ubuntu fails to boot, failed to activate swap, system logging service etc #boot #partitioning #swap #dbus
#boot #partitioning #Swap #dbus
Und noch einmal #MPV: Spiele immer wieder Musik via mpv auf einer Konsole.
Wenn ich dann zwischendrin mal was anderes schauen will, muss ich erst auf die Konsole wechseln und pausieren.
Dabei gibt es doch #MPRIS (Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification), das via #DBus auf Dinge reagiert, sodass man z. B. #Audacious per Multimedia-Tasten der Tastatur steuern kann.
Und siehe da, es gibt mpv-mpris, ein Plugin, was genau das ermöglicht.
@Nouvanity speaking of #security , I find #dbus secret service a bit concerning.
Any desktop app can talk to the secret service and view passwords in unlocked wallets.
Some basic searching indicated other OS' might be doing similar stuff, but I never dug too deep. Thoughts?
I'm not *saying* that D-Bus documentation is difficult to follow, but I'd like to *strongly suggest it*.
God bless open-source and the Gio UI project for doing the hard work implementing it.
#golang #gioui #dbus #xdgdesktopportal
@ignaloidas I don't think having to emulate either Bluetooth or NFC is all that much of an improvement.
#dbus would be better, as that would /easily/ allow for making a qube gateway, or any other isolation setup, work.
So by whatever do you really mean just about anything (pending implementation) or "lots of different hardware peripherals"?
how to pass to cli util gdbus emit signal with types uint8 int16? #commandline #dbus
New version of runst is out! 🦡
🦀 A dead simple notification daemon written in #rustlang
⭐ GitHub:
🚀 Related blog post:
Mierda la versión nativa, de momento, ni arranca. Sin marcar la opción de usar el "Steam Runtime" dice que falta tal o cual librería. Con el Steam Runtime activado da un error raro de #DBus.
Any hints on this?
In a (shell) script, I want do listen for an USB-stick with a well-known label to be plugged in and then mount it at some defined place. This shall be done all as non-root user and without permanent changes to the system (e.g in /etc), since it's only used when developing.
Desktop envs are able to do this, but require user interaction.
I looked at #dbus but the solutions I found require writing a custom listener in python. And did not yet manage to mount.