Just posted my slides from PancakesCon and DC207! If you want to build an Atomic testing range, this will help guide you.
#atomicredteam #pancakescon #dc207 #testing #security #infosec
#atomicredteam #pancakescon #dc207 #testing #security #infosec
Hi Maine-based friends,
Just realized I didn't post about my talk! I'll be talking about attack emulation and building your own testing environment in Damariscotta on 4/20. Take a peek at dc207.org and look for the talk "Nuclear Testing" - that's me! Excited to see you all there, bring your questions!
#maine #dc207 #infosec #netsec #security #atomicredteam #attack
#maine #dc207 #infosec #netsec #security #atomicredteam #attack