Exploring Hidden Lyrics on 1990s DCC Audio Tapes - Having a fondness for old and obscure audio and video media formats, [Techmoan] re... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/11/exploring-hidden-lyrics-on-1990s-dcc-audio-tapes/ #homeentertainmenthacks #reverseengineering #digitalaudiohacks #digitalaudio #metadata #lyrics #audio #itts #dcc
#dcc #itts #audio #lyrics #metadata #digitalaudio #digitalaudiohacks #reverseengineering #homeentertainmenthacks
Preparing for tonights session 0 of #GoodmanGames "Mutant Crawl Classics". This will definitely be fun. 😁
#TTRPG #dcc #mcc #pnpde
#goodmangames #ttrpg #dcc #mcc #pnpde
Alle #DCC Musikkassetten enthalten Videotext-artige-Seiten https://youtu.be/GJSlkNbpPsM?t=696 🤯
Really enjoyed #Techmoan latest video on the defunct #DCC format. I really like my DCC and should fire it up more often. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJSlkNbpPsM
Maar ik wil nu echt wel die #dcc core rulebook in print. Hardcover en niet met 120€ shipping verdomme…
that's #DCC 6 finished, now onto episode 1 of the audio immursion tunnel as they're calling it.
Just thinking about this latest #DCC book again. I wonder exactly how far Matt's going to take this. Are we going right to the bottom I wonder? Or is it all going to end before then. I read in an interview where Matt D said maybe ten books. Or will he go with eight like so many series. I don't know how he'll stretch it to ten, though there are enough floors. Hmm.
just preordered the #DCC audio drama from the Soundbooth Theater site. The first episode's available for free and the rest will be coming out over the next few months ending in early 2024. Individual episodes are $3.99 each.
@lulu_bear Morning Lulu Just started book three in the #DCC love them all. also got a little over 2000 in treasure Mania 1, I am not a fan of the storms.
@aidengardiner Well, as I just heard her deliver the most perfect smack down, I'd say probably not. I like her just the way she is! #DCC
Hi Mastodonians. Had a very lazy lie in but am here now. Today will be going on with #DCC 6 adn maybe a little light gaming. Hope everyone has a great day.
Just finished listening to this amazing “audio-tunnel” version of #DCC. Anyone who likes apocalyptic stories, #GameLit or darkly comic science fiction should listen. Amazing production of a great story.
https://soundbooththeater.com/shop/audiobooks/dungeon-crawler-carl-book-1-episode-1-thank-you-for-volunteering-immersion-tunnel/ #litrpg
They cooked the Pillsbury Doughboy? There is justice in the world! Rofl! Lots of rofl! #DCC
Good morning Mastodonians. Today is the day! I'm just downloading #DCC 6! Woohoo! I have some jobs I need to get out of the way, then I'll be into it! So, Lixi chores this morning and our game, we had to do a castle sweep because we needed weapons, but we also had side quests to clear up there. After that did another fiddly side quest where we had to collect three things from three places, did errands, exercised Li'l blue and Jace before heading home. I reckon another week should finish this game, depending on how hard the boss is to kill. Drew tonight, yay! Have a great day.
#rpgaday2023 liebstes #pnp. #dsa, nicht wegen der seit Jahrzehnten langweiligen Regeln, sondern wegen der liebenswerten Krautundrübenwelt #Aventurien. #UnknownArmies , my kind of horror und meine ersten Veröffentlichungsschritte. #dcc , die gute weirdness und ein getrimmtes #dand. #warhammer wegen british humor. #primetimeadventures wegen der besten Umsetzung des "story now"-Prinzips, Forge ohne Geschwurbel. #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 #pnp #dsa #aventurien #unknownarmies #dcc #dand #warhammer #primetimeadventures #pnpde
@aidengardiner Oh. My god! Well actually I think it'll do Carl a lot of good if he gets to mash his father into pulp. From all I've heard he'd deserve it. #DCC