Même eux, ils n'avaient pas pensé à tout au départ.
Mais ils ont progressé :
Are there best practices to list contributors to an open-source project?
Like a basic CONTRIBUTORS file?
And (how) do you differentiate between authors and contributors, especially for copyright notices in the file headers, do you use a "copyright: {package_name} authors/contributors" that refers to that author/contributor list?
How does this interact with tools like a Developer Certificate of Origin?
#dco #askFedi #FediQuestion #license #reuse #FLOSS #FOSS
We finally returned to Deep Carbon Observatory this Sunday. The party defeated the horrid giant, cut their friends loose from his stomach and gave them a proper burial. Then they returned to loot the Observatory. #DCO #DeepCarbonObservatory
Uma incrível coincidência. Disse que o caso teria desdobramentos:
“Warde Advogados, devidamente autorizado por seu cliente, informa que contratou, a pedido do empresário israelense Benjamin Steinmetz, parecer do ex-ministro Sérgio Moro em um litígio transnacional, que se estabelece prioritariamente em Londres”.
O que se sabe até agora sobre o escândalo Boulos-IREE
Quais são as ligações do psolista com os institutos imperialistas?