Hey, #SCUBA friends! Got DAN Travel Insurance? Their air-ambulance coverage is ONLY if THEY (DAN TravelAssist) arrange it. If, as in my case, the hospital arranged it, it's ambiguous.
I'm sure my bills are going to be a tangle, but the air-ambulance is going to be the single biggest line-item. So if, heaven forbid, you get hit, be sure to call DAN during your initial hospital run (well, have your buddy call). #Bent #DecompressionSickness #DCS
#scuba #bent #decompressionsickness #dcs
The unmitigated upside of getting bent is that I can get a cane with which I will thrash my enemies and any whippersnappers who dare sass me. #scuba #dcs #vertigo #prestonbrooks
#scuba #dcs #vertigo #prestonbrooks
Когда LongShot научился обманывать доплеровский радар:
Haha okay, so I was also calibrating them wrong. It turns out the "boresight" mode is not actually for boresighting the missiles, it does something else. No, what you actually want is the boresight BUTTON, labelled "BSGT"! My goodness, so obvious, a child could do it 🙄
This whole "you have to boresight the missile first" thing on the AGM-65 Maverick reeks of "oh shit the deadline is closing in, oh well good enough 🤷🏻"
I’m competing in a charity dogfighting tournament in #DCS for my first time.
I made it past round 1 yesterday!
Wish me luck in round 2+ today, 4 hours from now.
Board: https://challonge.com/Fox3TopGun
Stream: https://youtube.com/@plazma1945
My round 1 Replay: https://youtu.be/MPV7mM9_ahk
What’s the point of having probably the most realistic #FlightSim in existence if you can’t have some fun with the physics? ;)
Figured out you can stack the ski ramps in #DCS and they’re become way more fun to jump than I had originally expected!
Industrial Control & Factory Automation Market
The global Industrial automation market & factory automation market size is estimated to be USD 147.9 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 218.8 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 8.2%.
More Info: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/factory-industrial-automation-sme-smb-market-541.html
#IndustrialControl #FactoryAutomation #SCADA #PLC #DCS #MES #IndustrialSafety
#industrialcontrol #factoryautomation #scada #plc #dcs #mes #industrialsafety
Don't need to be able to see the MFDs, because I'm using VR. Having a ring of buttons to press, though, would be nice!
Вообще от видео Growling Sidewinder по DCS я ощущаю вайбы схожие с видео Macie Jay по R6: Siege.
Очень, очень большой упор на тактику.
И вот пример:
GS просто вынуждает противника развалить свой самолёт перегрузкой не стреляя по нему.
Люблю такое.
#dcs #clip #tactics #awesome #video
Eagle Dynamics announced engine modelling improvements: https://www.helisimmer.com/news/eagle-dynamics-engine-modeling-improvements
#flightsim #dcs #dcsworld #eagledynamics
Every time I look at the HUD diagram in Chuck's Guide for the #DCS #F-16 I learn something new, and it's always "OH! That's really useful to know!"
Tonight it was that the bottom left numbers are my bearing and distance from Bullseye, and that the altitude tape is barometric but the radar altitude is given immediately below it. Handy!
Есть два прикольных DCS-блоггера: Growling Sidewinder и Longshot. По отдельности у них очень классные ролики с аналитическим подходом к происходящему, объяснениями механик воздушного боя, тактики, работы оружия...
Но когда они собираются вместе, такое впечатление, что их совместный IQ получается путём вычитания одного значения из другого и это... делает ролики ещё интереснее:
This week in @sciencemagazine :
Pavel Hanč, Uli von Andrian, & colleagues (Harvard Med) elucidate multiple mechanisms by which #nociceptors can control #DendriticCell functions!
with an accompanying Perspective by Barbara Schraml:
#dcs #neuroimmunology #dendriticcell #nociceptors
И нет, не то чтобы я угорал по российской технике, просто так вышло, что в этих роликах было больше мемных моментов. А так там хорошо отжигают и американские, и китайские самолётики. Там и F-15 тараном сбивал СУ-57, и старенький Мустанг времён WW2 чудом сбивал F-22 🙂
На сегодня, наверное, хватит срать вам в ленту этими клипами. Буду дополнять тред потом по мере просмотра если не забуду.