Nem tudom miért kerül ez a játék csak 3ezer forintba az eMAG-on miközben máshol 20ezer forint környékén árulják. Mindegy is mert megérkezett ráadásul úgy ,h tegnap este 9kor rendeltem erre most hozta a futár. Amúgy ez egy Switch exkluzív DC Comics játék. #DCSuperHeroGirls
Gruner (Solomon Grundy and Thunder) from DC Super Hero Girls is the most perfect ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #SolomonGrundy #FredTatasciore #Thunder #CreeSummer
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #solomongrundy #fredtatasciore #thunder #creesummer
We all know that Martha Kent and Cheetah from DC Super Hero Girls are endgame. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #MarthaKent #HelenSlater #Cheetah #AshleyEckstein
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #marthakent #helenslater #cheetah #ashleyeckstein
The best part of the DC Super Hero Girls fandom is the Meren shippers who just want to see Mera and Queen Hippolyta hold hands. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Mera #EricaLindbeck #QueenHippolyta #JulianneGrossman
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #mera #ericalindbeck #queenhippolyta #juliannegrossman
All the shippers ship Trevacle (Steve Trevor and Oracle) from DC Super Hero Girls. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #SteveTrevor #JoshKeaton #Oracle #AnnaVocino
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #stevetrevor #joshkeaton #oracle #annavocino
Imagining Gorilla Grodd and Bumblebee from DC Super Hero Girls looking deeply into each other's eyes is giving us life! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #GorillaGrodd #JohnDiMaggio #Bumblebee #TealaDunn
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #gorillagrodd #johndimaggio #bumblebee #tealadunn
Amanda Waller and Miss Martian from DC Super Hero Girls getting married would totes break the internet! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #AmandaWaller #YvetteNicoleBrown #MissMartian #CristinaPucelli
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #amandawaller #yvettenicolebrown #missmartian #cristinapucelli
It would be so sus if Jonathan Kent and Poison Ivy from DC Super Hero Girls don't canoodle! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #JonathanKent #DeanCain #PoisonIvy #TaraStrong
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #jonathankent #deancain #poisonivy #tarastrong
RT if you want King Shark and Thunder from DC Super Hero Girls to get hitched. I'm trying to see something. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #KingShark #KevinMichaelRichardson #Thunder #CreeSummer
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #kingshark #kevinmichaelrichardson #thunder #creesummer
Aliki and Catwoman are the OTP from DC Super Hero Girls. Don't @ me. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #DoubleDareTwins #LaurenTom #Catwoman #CristinaPucelli
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #doubledaretwins #laurentom #catwoman #cristinapucelli
Everybody just wants Beast Boy and Jessica Cruz from DC Super Hero Girls to smooch. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #BeastBoy #GregCipes #JessicaCruz #CristinaMilizia
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #beastboy #gregcipes #jessicacruz #cristinamilizia
Some personal news: I think Edward Nigma and Firefly from DC Super Hero Girls should snuggle. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #EdwardNigma #YuriLowenthal #Firefly #KharyPayton
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #edwardnigma #yurilowenthal #firefly #kharypayton
RT if you want Cheshire and Lois Lane from DC Super Hero Girls to hold hands. I'm trying to see something. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Cheshire #NikaFutterman #LoisLane #AlexisGZall
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #cheshire #nikafutterman #loislane #alexisgzall
No one:
Absolutely not one individual:
Supergirl and Mad Harriet from DC Super Hero Girls should posilutely smooch! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Supergirl #AnaisFairweather #MadHarriet #MistyLee
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #supergirl #anaisfairweather #madharriet #mistylee
(R34) "Batgirl Alley"
Batgirl gets caught by Commissioner Gordon doing her business! Little does he know, that’s actually his daughter he’s seeing doing “Public Indecency”
#BarbaraGordon #Barbara #Batgirl #JimGordon #CommissionerGordon #DCComics #DCSuperHeroGirls #Caught #Peeing #Urine #Pooping #Scat #Embarrassed #Squatting #NSFW #R34
#BarbaraGordon #barbara #batgirl #JimGordon #commissionergordon #dccomics #dcsuperherogirls #caught #peeing #urine #pooping #scat #embarrassed #squatting #nsfw #r34
Like this tweet if you want Lady Shiva and Star Sapphire from DC Super Hero Girls to get married. I'm trying to see something. #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #LadyShiva #TaniaGunadi #StarSapphire #JessicaDiCicco
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #ladyshiva #taniagunadi #starsapphire #jessicadicicco
(R34) "Hurry Barbara!"
Barbara is really badly needing a pee! Just made it in time!
I might consider doing more desperation pictures in the future! Quite liked drawing this. :)
#BarbaraGordon #Barbara #Batgirl #DCSuperHeroGirls #DCComics #Toilet #ToiletUse #Bathroom #Butt #Ass #Desperation #NSFW #R34
#BarbaraGordon #barbara #batgirl #dcsuperherogirls #dccomics #toilet #ToiletUse #bathroom #butt #ass #desperation #nsfw #r34
The thought of Oracle and Poison Ivy from DC Super Hero Girls holding hands is giving us all the feels! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #Oracle #AnnaVocino #PoisonIvy #TaraStrong
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #oracle #annavocino #poisonivy #tarastrong
(R34) "Batgirl Sighting!"
Batgirl was spotted going to the bathroom in an alleyway in Downtown Metropolis!
Thought of this a while back and forgot about it, I just remembered so here it is! :P
#BarbaraGordon #Barbara #Batgirl #DCSuperHeroGirls #DCComics #Squatting #Squat #Pooping #Scat #Peeing #Urine #Shocked #NSFW #R34
#BarbaraGordon #barbara #batgirl #dcsuperherogirls #dccomics #squatting #squat #pooping #scat #peeing #urine #shocked #nsfw #r34
(R34) "Babs Showing The Goods!"
Babs has a new swimsuit and wants to show it off, problem is, it’s too small for her and it’s riding up her bits!
I quite like this one! Barbara’s face is just cute! :)
#BarbaraGordon #Barbara #Batgirl #DCSuperHeroGirls #DCComics #Nude #Naked #Swimsuit #Wedgie #Tight #Smile #NSFW #R34
#BarbaraGordon #barbara #batgirl #dcsuperherogirls #dccomics #nude #naked #swimsuit #wedgie #tight #smile #nsfw #r34