RT @MichaelWarbur17 :
Today is D-Day and at the American cemetery in Normandy, French caretakers will have collected sand from Omaha Beach and rubbed it into the gravestones to highlight the names of the departed. They do this for all 9,388 soldiers who lay there. #DDay79
79 years ago, June 6, 1944: "Operation Overlord" #DDay Allied landings at Normandy. The amphibious assault secured a new western front against the well-entrenched enemy. Following the successful landings, the Allies won #WWII in Europe in 11 months. https://www.army.mil/d-day/ #DDay79 #history
RT @MartinBalucha
#DDay79 Utah Beach. Nejzápadnější pláž, na které se 6.6.1944 vylodily tisícovky🇺🇸vojáků. Potkal jsem tu pána z Arizony, který na pláži sbíral písek pro své přátele, vojenské veterány. Při vstupu na pláž je vyloďovací člun, který navrhl konstruktér Andrew J.Higgins.
RT @MeteoFrance_O: #DDay #DDay79 Retour sur les conditions #météo du débarquement des Alliés en #Normandie le 6 juin 1944.
➡️Prévu initialement le 5, le général Eisenhower décida finalement la veille un décalage de l'opération le 6 en raison de l'évolution de la prévision.
https://meteofrance.com/magazine/meteo-histoire/meteo-fait-histoire/juin-1944-le-debarquement-repousse-pour-cause-meteo https://t.co/gckrxjdQzL
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/meteofrance/status/1666089778708893701
[06/06 14:28]
#dday #dday79 #meteo #normandie
RT from Yorkshire Prose (@YorkshireProse)
D-Day was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Fromt countless acts of heroism that day, only one man was awarded the Victoria Cross; Company Sergeant Major Stanley Hollis of the Green Howards @RYORKS_REGT. Remembering him and allt rest #DDay79
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/YorkshireProse/status/1666013508260052992
RT @MartinBalucha
#DDay79 Památník Iron Mike. Před 79 lety se tady střetli vojáci z 82. 🇺🇸výsadkové divize s nacisty. Do bojů ve Francii se zapojil i dnes 98 letý veterán Joe Landry, se kterým se chtěly vyfotit desítky lidí. Piety se zúčastnila i vnučka generála Pattona Helen.
@iROZHLAScz https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1666028719813668865
“The Sodgers”, by Alexander Scott (1920–1989)
Alexander Scott landed in Normandy with the Gordon Highlanders, & saw action in the Ardennes & crossing the Rhine. He later became Head of #Scottish #Literature at the University of Glasgow, & was president of ASL from 1976–79
Published in FROM THE LINE: Scottish War Poetry 1914–1945, ed. David Goldie & Roderick Watson
#Scots #poetry #DDay #DDay79 #WW2 #WarPoetry
#warpoetry #ww2 #dday79 #dday #poetry #scots #literature #scottish
International anti fascism remembrance day. Today 79 years ago, a day when there was no discussion if it was ok to punch Nazis. My granddad was on a boat ferrying things and people back and forth from Normandy beaches. #dday79