The Fatal Five have The Fatal Five have returned and they have taken over Talok VIII. The planet's champion Shadow Lass teams up with the Legion of Super-Heroes to free her world.
#LegionofSuperHeroes #DDComics #ShadowLass #SuperBoy #BrainiacFive #CosmicBoy #KarateKid #CurtSwan #JimShooter #NealAdams
#LegionofSuperHeroes #ddcomics #shadowlass #superboy #brainiacfive #cosmicboy #KarateKid #curtswan #jimshooter #NealAdams
It is time to meet Mark Shaw and the Manhunter. Danger Streeet Book Five is a mulitlayer chapter bringing the players in the together. The are by Jorge Fornes and Dave Stewarat's art and colors build a cinematic feel, like a 70s cop movie, but with superheroes
#DDComics #Manhunter #JackKirby #DangerStree #1stIssueSpeical #Batman #Creeper #LadyCop #DingBats #CodenameAssasin #TomKing #JorgeFornes #DaveStewart #Starman
#ddcomics #manhunter #jackkirby #dangerstree #1stissuespeical #batman #creeper #ladycop #dingbats #codenameassasin #tomking #jorgefornes #davestewart #starman