Less than one month to go! 📆
Are you ready for DDD East Midlands Conference? Got your ticket? 🎟️
We'll have exhibitions from our awesome sponsors #MHR, #Motorpoint, #BJSS and #Cronofy, as well as Community Corner, Hacktoberfest Corner, Coffee from Cartwheel Coffee, 18 epic talks and more!
Don't miss out!
#mhr #motorpoint #bjss #cronofy #dddem #dddeastmidlands #nottinghamtech
Are you excited for DDD East Midlands Conference? ✨
We are! On 7th October there will be great talks, food, exhibitions, coffee, people and a whole lot of fun at NTU Events and Conferencing.
If you are one of the selected speakers, please also check your email for an extra surprise.
Thank you to our sponsors #Cronofy #Motorpoint #BJSS and #MHR
#cronofy #motorpoint #bjss #mhr #dddeastmidlands #eastmidlandstech
We rolled a 20 when it comes to our Keynote speaker ⚔️
Local legend, international speaker and DM to the nerds, 🧙🏻♂️ Matt Brunt ( @brunty ) will be gracing the stage with his talk Dungeons, Dragons and Developers.
Come along on the 7th October to experience the magic.
#dddem #dddEastMidlands #EastMidlandsTech
Sponsors: #Motorpoint #Cronofy #MHR #BJSS
#dddem #dddeastmidlands #eastmidlandstech #motorpoint #cronofy #mhr #bjss
We are thrilled to welcome MHR as DDD East Midlands Conference's newest Gold Sponsor ✨
Thank you for your support!
There are still sponsorship opportunities available, so please contact Rachel Watson if you are interested. 🙌
Check out MHRs Career Page (they are hiring RIGHT NOW):
#dddeastmidlands #developerdeveloperdeveloper #eastmidlandstech
#dddeastmidlands #developerdeveloperdeveloper #eastmidlandstech
Happy Friday all! 🥳
Today we have chosen Kojo Hinson's talk for our learning and development time. Kojo joined us representing Koodoo.
Embrace Skynet with GPT3.
It's nearly the weekend! To celebrate, here is another Friday Learning and Development suggestion.
Today we are featuring @CliffordAgius
Do you feel like you need a boost? Some inspiration? You want to here a real life example of someone changing lives with technology with truly altruistic motivations? Or maybe you just want to hear about a cool IoT project?
This talk has all the above and more.
It's Friday again! :awesome:
This week for our L&D we are re-watching Design for Developers by the magnificent @loftio
Lex has presented at a number of conferences since this talk. It's a great talk! Watch and share.
#dddeastmidlands #dddem #techtalk #learninganddevelopment
Did you know that this year is a DDD East Midlands Conference year? ☔
The committee has already been hard at work to try and find sponsors and organise the best event yet!
We are tidying up a little and next month we will start to ask you to think about marvellous talk ideas to submit.
Hope you are as excited as we are!
#dddeastmidlands #dddem #conference