Are you in the #DDDesign space and wanting to connect with other Domain-Driven Design practitioners and enthusiasts in North America? Join us here!
@RuthMalan He also did a closing circle as a mini introspective / retrospective. It seemed to really help bring the Open Spaces together nicely.
Much like #EventStorming - start together, diverge, let conversations emerge, and then converge at the end. #DDDesign
Reading through books from Alberto Brandolini and Paul Rayner , and I really appreciate seeing the "organizing a conference" scenario they both bring out. Conference organizing has been my life for a long time, and similar experience of it all is great to see in their books. #DDDesign
Getting set up for tonight’s DDD London meet-up at Zoopla’s cool offices.
Looking forward to hearing how they evolved their architecture and org structure around domains, and then hearing Wolfgang Goebl sharing his thoughts on DDD, EntArch, and org design.
#domainDrivenDesign #entArch #softwareArchitecture #london #ddDesign
#domaindrivendesign #entarch #softwarearchitecture #London #dddesign
Final call for our next DDD London event happening next week.
Wolfgang Goebl will be connecting business capabilities, organization design and Domain-Driven Design, and Zoopla will be sharing some interesting stories about the evolution of their architecture.
All set for a great event, hope to see you there.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #organizationalDesign #businessArchitecture #businessCapabilities #ddDesign #london
#domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #organizationaldesign #businessarchitecture #businesscapabilities #dddesign #London
A wooden table is made from wood.
A glass table is made from glass.
Why is a coffee table not made from coffee?
This is actually relevant to domain modelling: sometimes we name things after their properties and sometimes their purpose.
And sometimes we're talking about the same physical thing from the perspective of a different subdomain where it has a different name.
These factors also play a role in determining how we decide to shape boundaries.
We've just announced another #dddLondon event for September.
It's a special hands-on modeling event led by @kenny_baas. Spaces for this one are very limited.
#ddDesign #domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #softwareDesign
#dddlondon #dddesign #domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #softwaredesign
Our next #dddLondon event is on the 4th September, with two quality talks lined up.
Thanks to Zoopla, who will be hosting and delivering the first talk about their architecture journey.
The night's second session will be from Wolfgang Goebl sharing his expertise on Enterprise Architecture, and in particular the overlap between business capabilities and DDD.
#softwareArchitecture #enterpriseArchitecture #businessArchitecture #domainDrivenDesign #ddDesign
#dddlondon #softwarearchitecture #EnterpriseArchitecture #businessarchitecture #domaindrivendesign #dddesign
Thanks to everyone who made last night's #dddLondon event a great experience.
Thanks to Schroders for hosting the event in their amazing offices, and thanks to our two excellent speakers @bitboss and Yevgen Nebesov 🇺🇦.
There was a good mix of practical advice, ideas to challenge your thinking, and memes.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #teamTopologies #sociotechnicalArchitecture #ddDesign
#dddlondon #domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #teamtopologies #sociotechnicalarchitecture #dddesign
Getting prepared for tonight’s edition of #DDDLondon with @bitboss and Yevgen Nebesov.
#dddlondon #dddesign #domaindrivendesign
@peterritchie Possibly, or maybe those are too focused on the details and the name should be focused on the outcome rather than implementation i.e. Domain Storming
If you’re interested in attending or speaking at a domain-driven design conference in the US, then I recommend you check out Explore DDD.
I’ve been to past events and really enjoyed them. It’s a very friendly, welcoming and enthusiastic crowd.
The next one is in March 2024 in Denver.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #domainModeling #conference #softwareDevelopment #ddDesign
#domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #domainmodeling #conference #softwaredevelopment #dddesign
Looking forward to our next in-person DDD London meet-up on the 10th August.
A huge thank you to Schroders for hosting the event and making it possible.
On the night, we’ll have talks from Michael Plöd and Yevgen Nebesov 🇺🇦, along with plenty of chances to network and socialise.
Hope to see you there.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #teamTopologies #dddesign #swarch #meetup #london
#domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #teamtopologies #dddesign #SWARCH #meetup #London
It’s cool to see a Domain Driven Design community forming in the United States.
Missed the deadline by a couple of days, but did manage to finish the manuscript for my book Architecture Modernization.
It will be released to production this week and remains on schedule for the physical copy to be available in October.
Thanks to everyone who has helped. I'm grateful to have received so much feedback and support during the last couple of months.
#softwarearchitecture #businessarchitecture #domaindrivendesign #dddesign
#softwarearchitecture #businessarchitecture #domaindrivendesign #dddesign
I'm happy to share our last DDD in Ruby on Rails webinar video. This one is about aggregates in #rubyonrails , but also about merry Christmas elves messing with #dddesign. I hope you'll enjoy :)
@dgoosens @hschwentner @nick_tune Yes 😀 and also a good read for people not in to #DDDesign
Someone asked me if #EventStorming is problem or solution space?
It’s both.
It maps out user journeys and processes, which are users interacting with products, tools and software (solutions) to achieve their goals (problems).
However, I generally avoid problem and solution space because they are highly ambiguous terms.
#eventstorming #dddesign #domaindrivendesign
After the #dddesign webinars I was happy to be involved in, I get ddd+rails related questions through social media. And it's awesome! :)
But how about we all met at a single platform? We already have a few people at Domain-Driven Designed Ruby Discord - feel free to join to chat with other #ruby and #rubyonrails folks interested in DDD
Free comedy. A guy that has never used #DDDesign writes about how bad it is by comparing it to a Waterfall project back in the 1990s and then exemplifies someone not using DDD failing at it along with whack "domain experts."
You can't make this stuff up.