13/ Bei den Fotoaktionen lerne ich immer viel. Zum Beispiel über #WintershallDEA. Das hier steht in der Broschüre von #Urgewald:
WintershallDEA ist aus Wintershall und DEA entstanden und Wintershall war #BASF-Tochter und #DEA gehörte #RWE. Ich dachte bisher immer, dass RWE nur Kohle (und Wind) gemacht hat.
RWE hat DEA dann an #LetterOne verkauft, russische Oligarchen.
Und WintershallDEA hat dann #Nordstream2 finanziert.
#WintershallDea #urgewald #basf #dea #rwe #letterone #nordstream2
"And days after the attack, the army knew the location of two suspects talking about releasing students who, investigators say, may have still been alive.
How the military knew this is now clearer — it was using a powerful spy tool manufactured in Israel, known as Pegasus, to surveil the gang’s members, an investigator told The Times."
'Why Did a Drug Gang Kill 43 Students? Text Messages Hold Clues.'
#mexico #drugwar #warondrugs #failedstate #corruption #dea
Federal health dept. says #marijuana should be downgraded to #Schedule3 #drug. It's currently a #Schedule1 #controlledsubstance—keeping marijuana in a group defined as having "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse," which includes heroin and LSD.
If #DEA accepts #HHS's rescheduling recommendation, it could ease marijuana access. https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/08/federal-health-dept-says-marijuana-should-be-downgraded-to-schedule-3-drug/
#marijuana #schedule3 #drug #schedule1 #controlledsubstance #dea #hhs
Ars Technica: Federal health dept. says marijuana should be downgraded to Schedule 3 drug https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964924 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #controlledsubstances #marijuana #ScheduleI #Science #Health #DEA #fda #HHS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #controlledsubstances #marijuana #schedulei #science #health #dea #fda #hhs
Federal health dept. says marijuana should be downgraded to Schedule 3 drug - Enlarge / Marijuana plants in a greenhouse in Santa Cruz, California. (... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964924 #controlledsubstances #marijuana #schedulei #science #health #dea #fda #hhs
#hhs #fda #dea #health #science #schedulei #marijuana #controlledsubstances
#Poll: Is marijuana as dangerous as drugs like heroin and LSD? https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/31/white-house-recommends-reclassifying-marijuana/ #Marijuana #cannabis #cannabisindustry #HHS #DEA #Becerra #Biden #ScheduleIII #politicaliq #news #politics #opinion #opinionpoll
#poll #marijuana #cannabis #cannabisindustry #hhs #dea #becerra #biden #scheduleiii #politicaliq #News #politics #opinion #opinionpoll
White House recommends reclassifying marijuana https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/31/white-house-recommends-reclassifying-marijuana/ #Marijuana #cannabis #cannabisindustry #HHS #DEA #Becerra #Biden #ScheduleIII #politicaliq #news #politics
#marijuana #cannabis #cannabisindustry #hhs #dea #becerra #biden #scheduleiii #politicaliq #News #politics
Well, it's kinda-sorta progress, so I'm kinda-sorta optimistic. Maybe Congress can fix this sometime between now and the complete collapse of space-time.
#marijuana #thc #dea #cannabis
Smashing Security podcast #337: The DEA’s crypto calamity, and scammers’ blue tick bonanza https://grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-337/ #SmashingSecurity #Securitythreats #cryptocurrency #USMarshals #Law&order #Podcast #Twitter #Scam #DEA
#SmashingSecurity #Securitythreats #cryptocurrency #usmarshals #law #podcast #twitter #scam #dea
Smashing Security podcast #337: The DEA’s crypto calamity, and scammers’ blue tick bonanza - Seized cryptocurrency is stolen from the DEA, blue-ticks are being exploited, a bath full... https://grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-337/ #smashingsecurity #securitythreats #cryptocurrency #usmarshals #lawℴ #podcast #twitter #scam #dea
#dea #scam #twitter #podcast #lawℴ #usmarshals #cryptocurrency #securitythreats #smashingsecurity
Biden health agency recommends classifying marijuana as lower-risk, opening potential for major policy changes | The Independent
#biden #marijuana #cannabis #dea #Schedule3 #ControlledSubstancesAct #research
Ob man da noch #Mausgeklickt sagen kann ?
#scammer #dea #einmalmitprofis #web3 #mausgeklickt
Ho visto tutta la terza stagione di #Ragnarok in un sol fiato ahah 😆 e... Wow!
L'ultimo episodio quanto è bello e di una profondità incredibile! 🥺
Penso sia l'episodio finale più bello, significativo e ricco di messaggi profondi che abbia visto fino adesso! ♥🙏🏼🍀
Voi che ne pensate? 🙂
#netflix #mastofilm #UnoFilm #filmita #unoserietv #mastoserietv #thor #giganti #dei #Odino #dio #dea #gigante #Locky #mitologianorrena #mitologianordica
#ragnarok #netflix #mastofilm #unofilm #filmita #unoserietv #mastoserietv #thor #giganti #dei #Odino #dio #dea #gigante #Locky #mitologianorrena #mitologianordica
DEA gets duped: Agency loses $55K in address poisoning scam - The DEA, the country's lead drug enforcement agency, is yet to fi... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/dea-loses-tether-in-address-poisoning-scam #addresspoisoning #cryptowallet #scammer #tether #crypto #usdt #scam #dea #fbi #50k
#50k #fbi #dea #scam #USDT #crypto #tether #scammer #cryptowallet #addresspoisoning
#AbolishICE and the #FBI and also the #DEA and the whole #DHS while we're at it.
📬 Cooper Davis Act: Messaging-Dienste sollen für die DEA schnüffeln
#Datenschutz #Netzpolitik #CooperDavisAct #DEA #EFF #USDrugEnforcementAgency https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/netzpolitik/cooper-davis-act-messaging-dienste-sollen-fuer-die-dea-schnueffeln-278722.html
#datenschutz #netzpolitik #cooperdavisact #dea #eff #usdrugenforcementagency
Amended Cooper Davis Act Is a Direct Threat to #Encryption
Last week, the #Senate Committee on the Judiciary amended and passed #S1080 , which would require private messaging services, social media companies, and even cloud providers to report their users to the Drug Enforcement Administration ( #DEA ) if they find out about certain illegal drug sales
#privacy #surveillance
#surveillance #privacy #dea #s1080 #senate #encryption
#USA #Cybersecurity #SocialMedia #Encryption #DEA: "A bill requiring social media companies, encrypted communications providers and other online services to report drug activity on their platforms to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) advanced to the Senate floor Thursday, alarming privacy advocates who say the legislation turns the companies into de facto drug enforcement agents and exposes many of them to liability for providing end-to-end encryption.
The bipartisan Cooper Davis Act — named for a Kansas teenager who died after unknowingly taking a fentanyl-laced pill he bought on Snapchat — requires social media companies and other web communication providers to give the DEA users’ names and other information when the companies have “actual knowledge” that illicit drugs are being distributed on their platforms.
Many privacy advocates caution that, if passed in its current form, the bill could be a death blow to end-to-end encryption services because it includes particularly controversial language holding companies accountable for conduct they don’t report if they “deliberately blind” themselves to the violations."
#usa #cybersecurity #socialmedia #Encryption #dea
Top DEA official resigns amid reports of previous Big Pharma consulting work
A top U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration official has resigned from his office after reporting from the Associated Press on his previous work for the pharmaceutical industry.
Louis Milione, the former principal deputy administrator for the DEA, previously worked for four years as a consultant to large pharmaceutical companies including Perdue Pharma, according to the AP’s reporting.
Senate bill crafted with #DEA targets end-to-end encryption, requires online companies to report drug activity
#privacy #survalience #e2ee
#e2ee #survalience #privacy #dea