Hello, you'll find that #Tooters are more friendly and looking for conversations than on #DeadBird
Hope you enjoy it here.
For those who are still on #DeadBird site - soon there will be the need for ID picture and gov approved doc to register and remain.
"X will begin to have users verify their identity by having them submit a selfie alongside a government issued ID. The process requires users to consent to X storing their information for 30 days and sharing it with AU10TIX, an identity verification company based in Israel."
Source PC mag tweet.
Wants to disable blocking and now this.
Twitter is now officially dead, sooooo it's new name is not X is dead bird!
#twitterdead #twitter #deadbird
@SydesJokes @honestdave @jackthelouse @JohnLoader6 @KCNewForest @LyndaD @MichaelD54 @mistakenotmy @RickGaehl @riggs7sct @rocketmanjohn @rozesall @saldixie @strangetruther @ValEzri
Didn't know you were over here - I now have one less reason to visit #DeadBird.
I know it doesn’t happen on Mastodon, as it’s not filled with advertisements in the same way as #DeadBird or FarceBook, but #JoinIn think about looking for the extension called Privacy Badger.
It’s somewhat similar to #AdBlock
Helps to block a lot of annoying #TrackerCookies. Keeps SM feeds much cleaner.
#trackercookies #adblock #JoinIn #deadbird
@kevinrothrock And unlike #DeadBird, Meta has compliance people who are afraid they'd go to jail if the FTC came after them.
All #DeadBird has to do is fire the current compliance person and appoint another one. They get a RedShirt they have to wear to the office every day.
@ProjectFearlessness Folk are also happy to jump in and offer advice/tips.
I asked a question and got about three replies, wasn't even in double figures for my following/followers list, but the question was answered in a few minutes.
#JoinIn is a pretty good place too (just have to block the #DeadBird spam accts)
#mastodontips #deadbird #JoinIn
Can I get an L O L.
…Musk sets temporary viewing limits.
https://www.npr.org/2023/07/01/1185652218/twitter-outage-elon-musk #Birdsite #DeadBird 💩
Excited to see a new influx of users coming off of today's shenanigans in the other place 🤭🤭🤭
#migration #deadbird
Ah tiens, j'allais relayer ici une news de BfmTV sur le dernier crachat de #ManuelValls envers la gauche en général, les #Insoumis et les #écologistes en particulier...
Et puis je me suis dit qu'en fin de compte, #Mastodon se portait très bien sans et que c'était tellement mieux comme ça.
Les mauvaises habitudes prises pendant des années de #deadbird doivent disparaître !
A la place voici la photo de mon avocat personnel (qui se porte superbement bien).
#uneplanteplutotquevalls #deadbird #mastodon #ecologistes #insoumis #manuelvalls
From #Wordsmith Susie Dent (on #Deadbird site) who provides a "Word of the Day".
Word of the day is ‘brabblement’ (16th century): noisy infighting or toys-out-of-pram-throwing.
Susie Dent throwing shade at the current government of #ToryFascistDictatorship. Rename to #SuellaBraverman to "Suella Brabblement"?
#GTTO #ToryPartyUnfitToGovern #TorySewageParty #TorySleaze #BorisResignationList #BorisHonoursList
#borishonourslist #borisresignationlist #TorySleaze #TorySewageParty #torypartyunfittogovern #gtto #SuellaBraverman #ToryFascistDictatorship #deadbird #wordsmith
2/ Je crois qu'il faut agir techniquement et niveau contenu :
1. Faire évoluer le process d'inscription et de découverte sur Mastodon, pour qu'il soit plus simple pour les nouveaux qui ne sont pas particulièrement geek ou "tech savvy" (c'est ds les tuyaux)
2. Générer ici nos propres contenus "exclusifs", sans se soucier du #deadbird (mais en en faisant la promo par moment là-bas... Histoire d'attirer du monde ?) et surtout ne pas hésiter à les favoriser et les booster.
1/ Pour ma part j'ai quitté Twitter en avril 2022 au moment du rachat par Elon Musk. Je ne regrette pas un seul instant, Mastodon est tellement plus agréable et pratique au quotidien. J'investis bcp plus les possibilités techniques ici que je ne le faisais là-bas (j'ai constitué plusieurs listes thématiques de comptes à suivre, de mots-dièses, etc.).
En revanche, comment attirer ici les gens de bonne volonté qui restent encore sur le #deadbird ?