This week's theme: #TheLive
Dead Boys Live at CBGB's `977
#DeadBoys #CBGB
Rare Essence "Do the Mickey" 1998.
#RareEssence #GoGo
Motörhead "Train Kept a Rollin'" Live at Hammersmith 1981.
#Motörhead #Lemmy #LemmyKilmister #Hammersmith
#thursdayfivelist #thelive #deadboys #cbgb #rareessence #gogo #motorhead #lemmy #lemmykilmister #hammersmith
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #RootsManuva #Sizzla #Ludicra #Ails #TonkynPearson #SuperFurryAnimals #BillyNomates #DeadBoys #RichardHell #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#rootsmanuva #sizzla #ludicra #ails #tonkynpearson #SuperFurryAnimals #billynomates #deadboys #richardhell #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #AmadeusPaulussen #RootsManuva #SvenRånlund #RichardLloyd #GratefulDead #Ludicra #Mudhoney #TriumCirculorum #ATribeCalledQuest #DeadBoys #FfaCoffiPawb #GiantSand #Polylith #ElvisCostello #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#amadeuspaulussen #rootsmanuva #svenranlund #richardlloyd #gratefuldead #ludicra #mudhoney #triumcirculorum #atribecalledquest #deadboys #ffacoffipawb #giantsand #polylith #elviscostello #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #TheReplacements #RichardHellAndTheVoidoids #Fumerolles #ATribeCalledQuest #NewYorkDolls #TriumCirculorum #Amorphis #RichardHell #Wire #ElvisCostello #DeadBoys #RichardThompson #TheOnlyOnes #BigStar #Lookfar #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#TheReplacements #richardhellandthevoidoids #fumerolles #atribecalledquest #newyorkdolls #triumcirculorum #amorphis #richardhell #wire #elviscostello #deadboys #richardthompson #theonlyones #BigStar #lookfar #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
Remembering Stiv Bators, lead singer of The Dead Boys, The Lords of the New Church and The Wanderers, who died on this day in 1990 as a result of a car accident in Paris
Photo by Ian Dickson
#punk #punks #punkrock #stivbators #DeadBoys #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #stivbators #deadboys #punkrockhistory #otd
'Listen to the Nina Hagen Band,' says I yesterday.
Says the Brain DJ this morning, 'Now listen to this one.'
Dead Boys, "Sonic Reducer" (1977)
Stiv Bators at CBGB during a Dead Boys gig in March 1979
Photo by Meryl Meisler
#punk #punks #punkrock #DeadBoys #cbgb #stivbators #history #punkrockhistory
#punk #punks #PunkRock #deadboys #cbgb #stivbators #history #punkrockhistory
45 years ago
Not a bad punk rock week in New York City
Handbill program advertising the grand opening of CBGB’s Second Avenue Theater, Hilly Krystal’s short-lived attempt at running a second, larger concert venue
#richardhell #pattismith #HillyKristal #DeadBoys #talkingheads
#RichardHell #pattismith #hillykristal #deadboys #talkingheads
#PopRock #PunkRock #Music #Musique #Música #MastoRock #MastoMusic #Rock #DeadBoys
Una gozada que Eugene Richard O'Connor, exguitarrista de Dead Boys, publicó en 1979. 💎
Cheetah Chrome - Take Me Home
#poprock #punkrock #music #musique #musica #mastorock #mastomusic #rock #deadboys
#conflict #darko #deadboys #deadkennedys #deathbystereo #descendents #deviates #devilsbrigade #DFL #di #dieselboy #downbyfire #downbylaw #downset #dropkickmurphys #facetoface #fear #fenixtx #fishbone #forus #freeway #jayz #beaniesigel #fugazi #gashuffer #gbh #gentlemanjackgrisham #germs #goldfinger #goodriddance